diy Ideen terrasse
Sommerliche Ideen für Deinen Garten
DIY Outdoor Privacy Screens — the Awesome Orange
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Indoor Tabletop Fire Pit
* Made in the USA: Cleveland, TN * Instructions: Place on a stable surface and fill with either 70% or 91% rubbing alcohol, about 1” below the rim. Clean up all spills. Light with long handled lighter. To extinguish, cover or snuff with a non-flammable object such as a coaster. See instructions for more information * Works with 70% or 91% rubbing alcohol * 45-60 minutes of burn time with 5 ounces of rubbing alcohol * Adjustable feet allow you to adjust height and add a thermal barrier to protect furniture. Felt pads to avoid scratching * For use outdoors and indoors in a well-ventilated area * Please note: Keep out of reach of children. Wipe up spills with a cloth and dispose of cloth away from flame. See more safety precautions
Our DIY Swing Bed
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A simple and fuss-free DIY tutorial on how to make your own planter pot poles for hanging outdoor cafe string lights. You can use handmade planter pots, or store bought planters. This beginner friendly tutorial will work for either, and you don’t need any special or expensive tools to accomplish this project!
50 DIY Outdoor Privacy Screen Ideas You Can Build By Yourself
Do you dislike your neighbors or having privacy concerns? Do you love your neighbors? Either way, you will be doing your neighbors and yourself a favor by making a fantastic DIY outdoor privacy screen! The springtime is finally here. All you see are colors everywhere! Moreover, the summer season is just around the corner. It’s finally the right time for those long-awaited barbeque parties! Are you ready to have the time of your life? Spring and summer are the best seasons of the year! The rest of the year, it’s just dull and grey. Your backyard is used the most
Fengbay High Waist Yoga Pants, Yoga Pants Tummy Control Workout Pants 4 Way Stretch Pocket Leggings
The 60 best DIY decorations for your terraces – The 60 best DIY decorations for your terraces! – – #decorations #DIY #terracesDo you dislike your neighbors or having privacy concerns? Do you love your neighbors? Either way, you will be doing your neighbors and yourself a favor by making a fantastic DIY outdoor privacy screen! The springtime is finally here. All you see are colors everywhere! Moreover, the summer season is just around the corner. It’s finally the right time for those long-awaited barbeque parties! Are you ready to have the time of your life? Spring and summer are the best seasons of the year! The rest of the year, it’s just dull and grey. Your backyard is used the most
Rankhilfe für den Garten oder den Balkon bauen (Anleitung)
Die Gartensaison ist eröffnet und das nicht erst seit heute. Wow, ist das ein schöner Frühling, ich wage ja kaum es laut auszusprechen, aber der April und der Mai zeigen sich von ihrer besten Seite. Ich habe momentan nichts besseres zu tun, als im Garten zu werkeln. Beete wurden schon umgepflanzt, die Terrasse wurde gereinigt und ich besorgte neue Bezüge für meine Loungepolster. Ihr merkt schon, es gäbe eine Menge zu berichten ;), meine Rankhilfe macht jetzt mal den Anfang! Eine Rankhilfe selber bauen Ich bewaffne mich ja gerne mit Hammer und Säge, um auf der Auffahrt zu werkeln. Die Nachbarn haben mich sicher schon vermisst. Ich habe euch bestimmt schon von meiner kleinen Loggia erzählt, ein schmaler überdachter Balkon, der über die gesamte Häuserbreite verläuft. Das klingt jetzt lang, es sind aber nur 4,50 m. Im Grunde lagert hier nur das Kaminholz und ich hänge dort meine Wäsche zum trocknen auf. Zum Aufstellen von Pflanzen habe ich ja meinen Garten. Aber vielleicht hat jemand von euch einen kleinen Balkon, der bepflanzt werden möchte und dafür bietet sich die vertikale Wandfläche besonders gut an, denn das spart enorm viel Platz. Eine Rankhilfe oder besser gesagt, eine Pflanzleiter kommt da sehr gelegen, denn mit schlichten Metallhaken können die Pflanztöpfe einfach aufgehängt werden. Die Rankhilfe lässt sich ganz zügig selber bauen, so kann man das Maß auf den vergebenen Platz anpassen. Ihr braucht: Eine Japansäge, einen Hammer, passende Nägel, ein Maßband, einen Bleistift, Schleifpapier, gehobelte Kanthölzer aus dem Baumarkt (2x 3/2, 4x 3/0,5), evtl. einen Pinsel und Wetterschutzlasur So wird die Rankhilfe gebaut: Ermittelt zuallererst die nötige Breite eurer Rankhilfe, meine ist 64 cm breit. Genau dieses Maß habe ich an die Enden der beiden dicken Kanthölzer übertragen und mit der Japansäge abgesägt. Die Länge von 64 cm habe ich außerdem auf alle dünnen Kanthölzer übertragen und zugesägt. Die Sägekanten sollten mit Schleifpapier versäubert werden. Nun geht es an Hammer und Nagel. Legt zuerst den ersten Abschnitt eines dicken Kantholzes auf die oberen Enden der dicken Kanthölzer und nagelt sie bündig fest. Ein umgedrehtes U entsteht. Nun werden die dünnen Latten, gleichmäßig verteilt, darunter genagelt. Mein Abstand beträgt 10 cm. Ich hatte mir ein Schablonenklötzchen zugesägt und damit das Maß übertragen. Den Abschluss, also die letze Sprosse, bildet das zweite dickere Kantholz. Wer mag kann die Kletterhilfe oder Pflanzleiter noch mit Wetterschutzlasur streichen, es gibt sie in unterschiedlichen Farben. Aufgestellt wird die “Leiter” so, dass die Nagelstellen zur Wand zeigen. Ein schöner Rahmen entsteht. Jetzt müsst ihr noch Löcher in die Pflanztöpfe stanzen und sie mit Haken an die Streben hängen. Nutzt doch ausgewaschene Blechdosen als Pflanztöpfe. Meine weißblättrige Kriechspindel ist mittlerweile in meinem großen Gartenbeet gelandet, da wächst sie jetzt zusammen mit Buxbaumkugeln. Ich habe übrigens einen Südbalkon, hier könnte man einiges anpflanzen. Ein paar Infos dazu findet ihr auf “Schön bei Dir” Blog by DEPOT – Welche Pflanzen wachsen auf welchen Balkon RAUMiDEEN macht mit: Creadienstag Pin It … … Collage für Pinterrest – Klicke einfach auf das Bild! MerkenMerkenMerken
Create the Perfect Outdoor Entertainment Space for Your Parties & BBQs
Being a good host means planning food and drink options that accommodate everyone’s tastes and needs and making sure that all your guests know when and how to get to your place. But most importantly, it means having a comfortable, visitor-friendly home. When the weather is nice, that includes your patio! For Americans, barbecue parties are a quintessential fair-weather activity, perfect for birthdays, holidays like Fourth of July or Labor Day, or for no reason other than to enjoy nice weather and good company. While parties like these don’t really require more than a grill, a table, and a guest list, there are certain touches you can add to level up your barbecue game. Building the perfect patio space doesn’t take much effort. With the right decorations and arrangement, you can create an outdoor dining and entertainment space that will leave your guests eagerly awaiting your next backyard bash. Use this article as a checklist to get started! Make Your Space Welcoming with the Right Patio Furniture Think about where your guests are going to gather when they arrive. Where will they go to relax and socialize over drinks and appetizers? If you only have a table and chairs, there’s a good chance they’ll just end up standing around, which isn’t the end of the world, but it’s also not ideal. Source: @bohemiandecor The solution is simple – building seating groups in different corners of your yard helps facilitate comfortable gathering. Group outdoor chairs and couches to avoid overcrowding and encourage easy conversation. Make sure you also have a surface for snack bowls and platters and to serve as a place for guests to rest their drinks. When it’s time for the main course, you’ll want to have a dining table that can fit all your guests. An extendable table is great because it’s adaptable to any size gathering. Illuminate with String Lights String lights are one of the most popular lighting options for outdoor spaces, and with good reason. Not only are they an efficient way to evenly light up your yard, they’re super cozy! When the sun goes down, string lights lend an intimate and festive touch to your patio. Source: Choose between classic Christmas tree-style lights or trendy bulb lights, both of which you can find easily at any major retail location, like Target or Walmart. Or, for a fun twist, pick up a set of themed string lights to complement your party’s theme. Oogalights has hundreds of designs to choose from, such as hotdog, watermelon, and American flag-themed lights. Adapt It for All Seasons If there is any downside to having an awesome patio, it’s that depending on the climate you live in, you only get to take advantage of it during certain seasons. If your patio isn’t adapted for changes in the weather, you won’t get to take advantage of it during the colder months. But it doesn’t have to be that way. There are certain measures you can take to make sure it usable all year round. Source: To prepare for cold weather, adding a space heater is an easy way to make your patio into a pleasant place to be. Installing a patio cover or awning is a smart way to make sure that heat has a place to gather and doesn’t escape too quickly, not to mention it’ll shield you from harsh weather. Otherwise, you can also incorporate an outdoor fireplace or fire pit, which is just as enjoyable on cozy summer nights! Designate a Bar Corner When you’re not in party mode, this bar corner might look like an outdoor shelf or table for displaying potted plants and patio accessories. But in the event of a party or BBQ, it’ll come in handy as a drink station. Source: Having a designated bar corner prevents your guests from having to pull their drinks out of a boring cooler or tracking dirt inside to pull something out of the fridge. It also provides a space to mix drinks or display options. It’s not totally necessary, but it’s sure to qualify you as a great host! Make Your Patio Pop with Decorative Stick-On Tiles One of our favorite trends of the moment is using tile stickers outdoors. Many people don’t realize it, but Quadrostyle tile stickers are made from outdoor resistant vinyl and can easily be installed on waterproof cement patios. In terms of making your outdoor space more lively and interesting, our funky patterns like Hamra and the ever-popular Corona in black will do most of the work for you. Adhesive tiles are durable against regular wear and tear and can even stand up to the sun, but we consider them to be a temporary option. The good news is that, without having to spend a ton on costly cement tiles, you can easily switch up the style of your patio whenever the mood strikes you. To make them last as long as possible, we recommend you use them mostly in covered, as they won’t fare well if exposed to intense heat or cold. Because the adhesive is sensitive to moisture, you should also avoid installing them in areas that receive snow, which pools as it melts, seeping through cracks and unsticking the adhesive. Let this look inspire your Quadrostyle patio makeover Source: Accessorize to Add the Final Touch Even with the right patio furniture, grill, and fun floors, your outdoor dining space will look incomplete without the right accessories. Adding potted plants is a good way to complete the outdoor vibe. A few tabletop planters and a statement palm, for example, will tie your lounge area together. Source: Then, for an intimate touch, add candles, lanterns, or tiki torches, if you’re feeling tropical. And to add interesting variety, incorporate different textures. Woven cushions and throw pillows, knit blankets, and a textured rug made of seagrass, for example, will keep your guests’ senses engaged. The final accessory you shouldn’t forget to add is a sound system! No party is complete without a playlist, and to keep the energy up throughout your get-together, a sound system is mandatory. If hooking up the wiring sounds like a hassle to you, a portable Bluetooth speaker will do the trick! Start Your Patio Makeover on & Benefit from our LABOR DAY PROMO!! Don’t know where to begin? We’re making this process easier for you by offering a discount on everything from Friday, August 30 through Sunday, September 1. Get up to 40% your order and free shipping on orders of $149 or more! Just a few clicks and you’ll be well on your way to having the ultimate backyard entertainment space! *Thumbnail image source: