Egyptian Goose. Antique Bird Print. original vintage woodblock art plate. Vol. V dated 1897 by slinkymalinkicat

24,95 USD

This is a gorgeous hand coloured print from Rev. Francis Orpen Morris’ A History of British Birds. The motivation for this work actually came from the renowned English printer, Benjamin Fawcett, who approached Morris to compose the text when Morris became Vicar of Nafferton. Morris had a track record as a popular author on natural history in basic, and on birds in certain. His first book appeared as early as 1834, a guide to a plan of British Birds. However, his association with Benjamin Fawcett was to have remarkable outcomes, particularly for the research of onrnithology.
A History of British Birds was printed and bound in the little town of Driffield and shipped in tea chests to London. The final 6 volume work consisted of 358 hand coloured plates.
Morris ended up being an early supporter for preservation and was critical in establishing the Royal Society for the Security of Birds.

The condition of the print is outstanding. The hand colouring is vibrant. The paper is thick and cream in colour. The print measures roughly 7 & quot; & quot; x 10 1/4 & quot;(January 17/ 2cm x 26cm).

This is an ORIGINAL antique print. A copy of the title page is included in the listing.

All prints are sent Tape-recorded (Signed For) Priority Airmail and packaged within sturdy foam boards.

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