Felting needles, Needle felting needles set of 6 spiral needles, twisted felting needles, 3 sizes or single size needles, 40, 38, 36 by CurlyFurr

7,75 USD

Needle felting needles, set of 6 spiral felting needles, twisted felting needles, 3 sizes needle felted needles, barbed needles, 40, 38, 36. You can purchase a set of mix needles (2 of each size – 40 spiral, 38 36 spiral and spiral) or select 6 pieces of each size.

I have discovered an awesome brand-new kind of needle and I like the way that they felt! These needles are a spiral or twisted type and felt the wool quicker and deeper than the regular ‘T’ or ‘star’ needle.

This is a set of 6 needles – 2 each of 40 twisted, twist and 2 38 36 twisted– or you can choose 6 pieces of the exact same size – 6 each of 40 twist, 38 36 twist or twist. I have actually ‘color coded’ the tops of each needle and there is a color guide in the bundle. They are packaged up and ready to begin felting! They are basic size needles and will fit in felting tools also. Although the little felt balls be available in various colors, each holds the specific very same needle sizes and is a great place to keep your needles if you do not have a wool pincushion.

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