Fire Agate Cabochon by rondmil50
200,00 USD
Fire Agate Cabochon
24mm x 16mm x 6mm 3.4 g. (17ct)
This agate originates from Deer Creek New Mexico.
Fire agate, a range of chalcedony, is a semi-precious natural gems found just in particular locations of northern Mexico and the southwestern United States. Roughly 24-36 million years ago these areas underwent enormous volcanic activity throughout the Tertiary Period. The fire agates were formed during this period of volcanism when hot water, saturated with silica and iron oxide, repeatedly filled fractures and bubbles in the surrounding rock.
Fire agates have lovely rainbowlike rainbow colors, just like opal, with a measurement of hardness on the Mohs scale of in between 6.5 and 7 which prevent concerns of fading, breaking and scratching. The dynamic rainbowlike rainbow colors found within fire agates, created by the Schiller result as discovered in mother-of-pearl, is dued to the alternating silica and iron oxide layers which diffract and enable light to pass and form interference of colors called fire. There is no real item inside the stone, this special effect develops from light disturbance within the microstructure layering of the gem.
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