FP Escapes: How to Best Care for YOU
What you can look forward to on our January FP Escapes in Todos Santos, courtesy of the girls that make up Skin Food…
On our next FP Escapes to Todos Santos, be sure to make time for Hayley Roy and Tara Curran, aka Skin Food, as they personalize diet and beauty regimens according to every guest’s needs. In addition, Tara will customize the trip menu with high-nutrition, seasonal, gut-supportive meals, so that everyone will leave the Baja sporting a newfound glow. Today, Tara & Hayley share a bit of their self-care philosophy and a preview of what to expect…
Skin Food Talk was created with a goal of empowerment in mind, for people to tune into their bodies for optimal self-care. This doesn’t come easy, simply because there is a lack of understanding on just how to do so. Whether it’s how to cope with hormonal shifts, environmental triggers or gut health, the information available to us is vast and incredibly confusing.
Whether or not we want to admit it, we will never have “perfect” health habits because there simply is no such thing. Even on our best day, there very well may be something “imperfect” going on. So what do we do? Skin Food Talk would like to challenge you to tap into your individuality and realize the benefits of customized care. Here are some ways to get you started:
Acceptance. It’s not anyone’s fault for thinking we are not “perfect”. We are conditioned to think things like “anti-aging” are even a real possibility. The fact is, you will age. Accept that you are exactly where you need to be right in this moment. Your body is an ever-changing vessel that is working so hard for you. Nothing will be ever be permanent, so just allow yourself to be okay with where you are in the moment. Shed the labels, and accept that you are looking to be your healthiest self, and that your journey will be specific to you.
Embrace the flaws. We all have them and, apparently, not all flaws are created equal. If you have a cool scar, some consider that character, but do wrinkles or a different body shape denote a more negative connotation? Not at all. These defining characteristics are what makes us unique, so it’s important to know that each imbalance should be treated on an individual basis as well. What may work for someone else may not work for you because you are created so differently. Embrace it and learn to love yourself as is.
Let it guide you. Tuning in to your body’s true nature takes a lot of practice. We don’t often learn how to read our bodies’ ailments, so it can be easy to detach each part of ourselves instead of thinking that of the parts as a total and intertwined unit. The phrase “it takes a village” still carries a lot truth to it once we grow up. Forming a health community, one that is there to support your needs and allows for you to customize a plan, is vital.
There is no simple answer, unfortunately, but that’s because there is no simple you. You are a unique and complex being that deserves your own special formula for health and happiness.
+ Follow Skin Food Talk on Instagram to stay up to date with Hayley and Tara.