Free People Horoscope by Tracy Allen, Week of August 22–28

Find out what’s happening between the stars this week…

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August 23–September 22

With Mercury and Venus joining forces with Jupiter in your sign this week, your self-expression and sociability are even more magnified, so enjoy this wave of confidence, enthusiasm and warmth. You’ll feel open-minded and friendly but should also be able to convey your own views if you wish. Your indulgent mood can lead to memorably pleasurable experiences, especially if you think big and welcome whatever — and whomever — you draw in now. Mars is at the bottom of your chart and feuding with Saturn and Neptune, though, meaning underlying irritability or family or domestic matters could disturb your emotional state or a relationship. You might do well to devote some energy to a low-key home project. Avoid compulsive behavior and arguments clouded by misunderstanding. The sun’s arrival in Virgo infuses you with vitality and gives you a green light to focus more on yourself. It’s time to concentrate on personal matters and where you see yourself heading in the coming year. Happy birthday!


September 23–October 22

Mercury and Jupiter come together in the last house of your chart this week, enlivening your intuition and imagination. Insights are apt to be more psychic in nature than intellectual. Your understanding of the past and issues that you’ve swept under the rug can increase exponentially when you tune into an inner voice. Have the courage to accept what’s beyond your control. Venus’s subsequent alliance with Jupiter inspires selfless, spiritual love and perhaps even a grand sacrifice. You could experience a beautiful feeling of caring connection with all living beings, so open your heart and allow empathy to wash over you. Mars in your thinking-and-talking zone is having trouble with Saturn and Neptune, however, so you may end up venting some frustration or dealing with miscues on the job. Be extra mindful of your words and your tone, as you’re likely to sound edgy. It may be difficult to see how you’ll tackle something, but disciplined mental work will help you to push past temporary frustration.


October 23–November 21

This week’s planetary conference in your humanity house gives you the go-ahead to connect with a broad range of people. Networking should go very well, so reach out to potential contacts or attend an event. Socializing with people who share your interests, ideals and objectives will keep your spirits up and can further your personal and professional growth. Put yourself out there, because you’re apt to widen your circle in a beneficial way. Although you generally prefer one-on-one interaction, you’d do well not to limit yourself now. Group communication is also favored, making this a good time for a presentation or brainstorming session. Mars in your worth zone is struggling with Saturn and Neptune, making financial progress difficult and setting you up for an ill-conceived splurge. Dealing with finances and possessions in a methodical, mature manner can keep you from undermining your security. Try not to act based on an illusion of future pleasure; slow down and weigh the risks.


November 22–December 21

Mercury and Venus are hooking up with Jupiter this week, boosting your ability to communicate with higher-ups, articulate your objectives and plan your path to achieving a goal. You may need to avoid overstating your case or coming off as overconfident, so stick to what you know you can back up. Listening to people who have more experience than you can teach you a lot. This would be a good time to seek out a mentor or to appeal for a raise or promotion, since you won’t have much trouble attracting what you need from power players. However, Mars in Sagittarius is tangling with Saturn and Neptune, which is bound to slow you down a bit and could take the wind out of your sails. It’s only natural to feel frustrated and even lost, but take this as your cue to narrow your focus and operate in a more calculated manner. Concentrating on one challenging activity can give you a sense of accomplishment.


December 22–January 19

Thanks to Mercury and Venus aligning with Jupiter in your exploration zone this week, your perspective and your social encounters will get a major boost. You’ll benefit from opening your mind to a big range of ideas, beliefs, people and places. Travel and learning are apt to be extremely satisfying during this period and could go hand in hand. An unfamiliar setting might be eye-opening, and a cultural experience could transport you. Staying out of your comfort zone and your routine is essential. Mars is in the last house of your chart and running into trouble with Saturn there, so it’s tempting to work against your own best interests, perhaps by resisting an ending. Mars is also quarreling with Neptune in your mindset corner, combining subconsciously motivated behavior and muddled thinking, so you’ll need to be extra aware of what you’re doing and why. Being honest with yourself about past tendencies and/or a very personal struggle will greatly decrease the odds of taking regrettable action.


January 20–February 18

With a few planets coming together in your depth house this week, you’re not interested in spreading yourself thin. The appeal of focusing intently on another individual, a personal matter or a subject that interests you is clear now, and you won’t have much trouble doing so. You’re in the mood to enjoy closeness, so spend time with your significant other or a good friend. Private time can also be satisfying and beneficial, and you shouldn’t hesitate to be by yourself if you’re inclined to simply enjoy the pleasure of your own company. Intimacy can teach you a great deal about relationships during this period, while alone time can help you to understand yourself better. Mars in your network sector is fighting with Saturn and Neptune, complicating group activities. You might fall out with people due to a misunderstanding over money, possessions, values or priorities. Avoid pointing fingers, and do your best to work through a problem as a team if you run into trouble.


February 19–March 20

The sun crosses your one-on-one angle this week, and Mercury and Venus both meet up with expansive Jupiter there — putting a lot of emphasis on your connections with other individuals. You’re likely to enjoy spending time with a close friend or romantic partner, and you’d also do well to reach out to people for any type of consultation or negotiation. Learning is especially favored, so don’t hesitate to pick someone’s brain or just listen closely to a person whose life experience can teach you something. Dialogue will enhance a bond now, making it extra important to keep the lines of communication open in a relationship. Mars in your ambition angle is skirmishing with Saturn and Neptune, though, making it harder for you to get ahead professionally or make headway with a personal goal. You’re probably not viewing your actions through a clear, objective lens, and taking a breath before proceeding with caution may be the best strategy. Self-knowledge is crucial to preventing a deluded course of action.


March 21–April 19

When Mercury and Jupiter meet up in your efficiency corner this week, you should be able to handle a great deal of mental work, so tackle tasks that require brainpower. You can see both the forest and the trees now, making this a great time to blend abstract thinking and critical analysis. Venus is also aligning with Jupiter in this part of your chart, lending you an extra dose of enthusiasm for doing what needs to be done, and you’ll gain satisfaction from being helpful. Your ruling planet, Mars, is conjoining Saturn in your expansion zone, though, limiting the scope of what you can envision doing. Travel and learning may feel especially challenging, and you’ll probably only be willing to take very calculated risks. Mars’s skirmish with Neptune could also trigger doubts or make you feel a bit lost. Although following a strategic plan may not sound as adventurous as you’d like, you’ll feel more secure in your actions if you do.


April 20–May 20

With Mercury and Venus rendezvousing with Jupiter in your love-and-happiness house this week, you’ll be inclined to wear your heart on your sleeve and enjoy life. You’re inspired to express your feelings, personality and creativity and to embrace a wide range of experiences and people in your pursuit of pleasure. Jupiter is giving you the courage to be yourself and to take risks for the sake of personal fulfillment. Despite this upswing, intimacy could seem challenging, since Mars in your sharing sector is contending with Saturn and Neptune. A crush will feel fun, while sex may feel like a much bigger deal — and mixing sex and friendship will be especially confusing. Part of you wants to get carried away, while part of you is compelled to go slow. Testing the waters wouldn’t be a bad idea. Don’t push too hard to get what you want from another person. If you’re frustrated, focus on understanding yourself and working intently on something that intrigues you.


May 21–June 20

You should be able to tune into your emotional state this week and express your most private thoughts and feelings, thanks to your ruling planet, Mercury, joining up with Jupiter at the bottom of your chart. Talking to family or someone who feels like family will be productive — as will reflecting on the past in search of meaningful insights, so don’t be afraid to open up and to look back on your life. Venus is also linked with Jupiter, so you might be in the mood to play hostess, redecorate or just prepare more elaborate meals than usual. Comfort and indulgence are favored under this influence. Since Mars in your one-on-one angle is clashing with Saturn and Neptune, though, partnership is apt to be somewhat challenging now. A particular bond may be tested, and you may find yourself questioning where the relationship is headed. Try to avoid taking your frustrations out on another person; rather, see if you can work through conflict maturely and respectfully.


June 21–July 22

You’ll probably have a lot to say this week, with verbal Mercury conjoining expansive Jupiter in your communication corner. Feel free to express your ideas and views, but do plenty of listening as well, because you’re likely to learn a lot in the process. Optimism and an open mind will inspire you to engage with a wide range of people, and you could make valuable contacts. Amiable Venus is also aligned with Jupiter, helping you to see the best in others and convey warmth and friendliness in your encounters with them. Your interactions with neighbors and siblings are especially positive under this influence, although reaching out to various other individuals will be worth your while. Mars in your productivity zone is struggling with limiting Saturn and murky Neptune, however, so you may have trouble accomplishing as much as you’d hoped to. If you get stuck, concentrating on one thing at a time can give you a sense of slow, but steady progress.


July 23–August 22

The sun enters your worth sector this week, calling for you to shift your focus to personal resources. Mercury is aligning with Jupiter there, which could help to expand your thinking about what you have going for you. Just be careful to avoid applying optimism to finances in a way that you might later regret. A positive attitude toward your earning power and your talents might be preferable to an acquisitive mindset that glosses over crucial details. Venus is also joining forces with Jupiter, so you’ll have a noticeable ability to draw in what you desire but may want to guard against big splurges. Concentrating on what’s most important to you and looking down the road will help. Mars in your fulfillment house is sparring with Saturn and Neptune, so you might feel like it’s hard for you to do as you please now. Whether you’re after an enjoyable experience, a committed relationship or something else, taking things one step at a time can minimize irritation.

Follow @astrotherapist on Twitter and email to schedule a reading over phone or Skype. Available in-person in NYC! $ 125 for 60 minutes, $ 150 for 90 minutes.





Free People Horoscope by Tracy Allen, Week of August 22–28 Free People Horoscope by Tracy Allen, Week of August 22–28 Free People Horoscope by Tracy Allen, Week of August 22–28 Free People Horoscope by Tracy Allen, Week of August 22–28 Free People Horoscope by Tracy Allen, Week of August 22–28

Free People Horoscope by Tracy Allen, Week of August 22–28
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Free People Horoscope by Tracy Allen, Week of August 22–28