Free People Horoscope by Tracy Allen, Week of December 1–7

Free People Horoscope by Tracy Allen, Week of December 1–7

Follow @astrotherapist on Twitter and email to schedule a reading over phone or Skype. Available in-person in NYC! $ 125 for 60 minutes, $ 150 for 90 minutes.


November 22–December 21

With Venus, the sun and Mercury in your sign gelling with planets in your exploration and joy houses, your week is looking good! Personal growth, adventure, self-expression, love, creativity, travel, inspiration, fun—it’s all possible when you tap into the positive flow of energy. Be your outgoing self, so you’ll be in a position to seize opportunities. Dare to be friendly, optimistic, assertive, flirty, open, confident, even a little self-indulgent. This is the type of week when it really feels like your birthday season, because things are very much about you. The full moon in your relationship angle does ask that you balance egocentrism with some consideration of others’ needs. A shift in a particular relationship may get you to ponder how well it’s working, and compromise or closure could be the answer. You might also strengthen a personal bond now, though. In general, emotions are heightened, so be sensitive even if it seems like someone is just acting dramatic. But with so much emphasis on Sagittarius, you should definitely feel free to make all that vitality, appeal and expressiveness work in your favor.



December 22–January 19

Before Mars leaves Capricorn this week, he has an opportune meeting with Saturn that suggests you could coordinate your efforts with others seamlessly, work on accomplishing something that serves society or make headway on a plan to achieve a new personal goal. This planetary combo helps you sense how much to push and when. Later in the week, Mars moves on, prompting you to turn your efforts to resources such as money and possessions and to act in accordance with your values. In the meantime, planets in your subliminal sector are jibing with Jupiter in your psyche-and-sharing house and Uranus in your foundation angle. Selfless love can enhance closeness, as can very private love. Enjoying solitude, spirituality and your dream life can bring self-understanding and healing. Shining a light on something in your subconscious can liberate your emotions, and recognizing an ingrained behavior pattern can free you to move past childhood. Evaluating the past year can wake you up. The full moon brings a turning point with your daily routine, job, health or habits. Don’t hold on. Shift gears and keep moving forward.



January 20–February 18

Venus, the sun and Mercury are gathered in the house of your chart naturally associated with Aquarian matters such as friendship and philanthropy, and this week, they’re syncing with Jupiter in your relationship angle and Uranus in your cognition-and-communication zone. Gravitating toward teamwork, socializing, other group activities, humanitarian concerns, professional networking, shared interests, long-range thinking and conceptualizing new hopes are all favored. You could meet someone or come into contact with people already in your circle who open up a different world for you, show you a new way of looking at things, shake you up in a good way and get you to spread your wings. Both one-on-one and group interactions are likely to be beneficial now. With Mars entering Aquarius, your energy will increase, and you’ll be able to work hard in the next five weeks to further your own interests. It’s best to do so independently, so you don’t dominate others. The full moon moves fun, love, creativity, children and self-expression to the front burner and could spell a romantic turning point. Honor your need to be yourself.



February 19–March 20

Planets in your ambition angle are syncing with Jupiter and Uranus this week, encouraging you to continue to maintain a high profile to advance your public image and professional status. You could make a social contact that opens up new job possibilities or appeal to a higher-up and be given more responsibility. You might show off your creativity or a hidden talent and improve your standing. If you’re pushed to perform, welcome visibility with confidence. Consider talking to your boss about a raise. This is also a good time to examine your life direction and career path and assess your progress. Even though several planets are nudging you onto center stage, with Mars entering your seclusion house, it would make sense to start doing some work behind the scenes as well, without expecting immediate rewards or recognition. If there are loose ends you could be tying up on a project, do so in the next five weeks. The full moon reminds you not to neglect your emotional wellbeing, family and home life. Try to find a balance between public and personal.



March 21–April 19

The sun and Mercury in your expansion sector are gelling with Uranus in Aries this week, implying that you need to broaden your horizons and redefine your way of being in the world. Uranus gives you an urge for freedom and radical change, and this planetary meeting prompts you to grow—through new experiences, travel, education and exposure to unfamiliar people, cultures and beliefs. You must break out of your routine and step outside your day-to-day world every chance you get if you’re to shake up your old identity. A Venus-Jupiter huddle suggests a love connection with someone whose background differs significantly from yours. Or you may simply take great pleasure in shake up your old identity, play or joy. Mars segues into your hopes-and-humanity zone, encouraging teamwork, participation in group activities, taking action on a new goal and pursuing a philanthropic aim. Various little things are apt to come up now—coinciding with the full moon—and having to deal with them could overload your brain. Try to find a balance between routine stuff and breaking new ground.



April 20–May 20

Venus-Jupiter harmony suggests moments of ease and contentment that make you want to indulge your desires this week. You could feel at home in someone’s presence or have a positive sexual experience that gives you an emotional boost—or you may receive financial support that gives you a greater sense of security. The sun and Mercury are enjoying fortuitous meetings with Uranus, so intimacy, shared resources and deep enjoyment can feed into an internal liberation that enables you to start to bring out a different side of yourself. Don’t shy away now from anyone or anything that’s different or deep. With Mars crossing your ambition angle, it’s time to work hard to achieve an objective you set for yourself a while ago. Your efforts could make an impression on someone who’s in a position to give you a leg up. With the full moon in your worth sector, watch your spending, as it’s likely to be triggered by emotions. Drama in this house can be like a toddler yelling “Mine!” Try to balance your needs with the allure of sharing.



May 21–June 20

Several planets are clicking with each other in your social houses this week, so it’s definitely not the time to stay home alone. You’ll enjoy a pleasant rapport with others—both one on one and in a group—and will probably have plenty to say. Interactions can inspire you and expand your thinking, so make the effort to circulate. If you could use help learning something, this is a good week to ask for it. Being in contact with plenty of people could facilitate a romantic relationship or brighten your life in some other way. A full moon in Gemini is bound to heighten your emotions, and fortunately the moon is in sync with other planets that will enhance your ability to express what you’re feeling. The moon gives you a free pass to focus on your emotional state and your needs, but it also beckons you to keep your relationships in mind and find good compromises. You might also want to let go of something or finish something up, since the full moon in your sign signals an ending of sorts.



June 21–July 22

Planets in your work-and-health sector are clicking with planets in your worth and ambition houses this week, suggesting several positive scenarios. It seems possible now to both enjoy your job and make a good living. Working on a relationship can increase your confidence, or healthy self-esteem could spur you to improve a relationship. Working hard, learning new skills, planning effectively, communicating with peers and taking care of your body so you stay productive will make all the difference in your career progress and your ability to achieve other goals. With Mars entering your depth sector, you’re nudged to pursue a passion, face a psychological issue or dive into a research project. The full moon calls your attention to the secrets of the subconscious, spirituality, the imagination, dreams, sacrifice, release and rest. You’re reminded to balance all that hard work with quiet downtime that allows you to reflect. You’ll probably feel like being alone, and now would be an excellent time to let go of something in order to manifest a solid identity for yourself.



July 23–August 22

A positive encounter between Venus in your fulfillment zone and Jupiter in Leo this week suggests that you’ll revel in being yourself and your confidence will be strong. Enjoy romance, creativity, humor, sports and other play, and let it bring out the happy child in you. Express yourself and be open to what—and whom—you draw in through your authenticity. Focus on being the best you you can be. With the sun and Mercury also in your fulfillment zone and syncing with Uranus in your vision sector, your mind continues to open up. Seeing the world in a new light will help you to see yourself in a new light and vice versa. You’ll grow exponentially as you become more conscious. Remain open to beliefs, knowledge and people that are foreign to you and allow them to inform your perception. The full moon in your group zone beckons you to balance your individual growth with the needs of others and to always consider the role you play in people’s lives. Incidentally, this is a good time to help a friend in crisis.



August 23–September 22

With the sun and Mercury harmonizing with liberating Uranus in your transformation zone this week, sharing your feelings with someone could bring you closer, while reflecting on your memories or emotions—or talking to family—could facilitate a psychological breakthrough. You’ll probably be in the mood to hang at home, either alone or with someone you’re comfortable with. Venus is also in that part of your chart, and she’s vibing with Jupiter in your relaxation-and-imagination sector. So creative home decorating, generous hospitality, indulgence in creature comforts, catching up on sleep and enjoying peace and quiet are all favored. With Mars charging into your productivity house, you’re about to get busier. Take pride in how much you can accomplish in the next five weeks. You should be able to juggle a lot, but if you get frazzled, find a healthy physical outlet for stress. This week’s full moon might push you into a professional or public spotlight, so be ready to put your best foot forward. And it may be time to let go of an old goal that you’re not attached to anymore.



September 23–October 22

Planets in your cognition-and-communication sector are gelling with planets in your relationship and network houses this week, suggesting that your thoughts, ideas, dialogues, group conversations and personal interactions are likely to be fairly pleasant and beneficial. Positive thinking and a good rapport with others can lead to new connections and valuable information. You can learn from people, draw inspiration from them and enjoy yourself immensely in a group setting and one on one, so make connecting with others a priority. Express your affection, creativity, humor, love and other emotions when the spirit moves you. A relationship could change now as a result of communication. Notice the positivity in your relationships, have faith in people and spend time with those who share your ideals and values. With Mars moving into your joy zone, the pursuit of personal fulfillment and fun is encouraged in the next several weeks. And this week’s full moon in your exploration house coaxes you to stretch your limits and perhaps let go of an old belief, philosophy or prejudice. Welcome new experiences, people and viewpoints into your life.



October 23–November 21

Mars is clicking with Saturn in Scorpio this week, enabling you to assert yourself in accordance with your ambition and the identity that you’ve been carving out these past two years. Speak with authority about something you believe in, and try to further your agenda, even if it just means coming up with concrete action steps and taking the first one. Three planets in your worth house are gelling with Jupiter in your ambition angle and Uranus in your work zone, implying several things. Financial security is tied to aiming high in your career, and right now, you’re apt to want a lot for yourself. Self-confidence can help you change your job situation, your health and your habits. Blending practical thinking and an outside-the-box approach can get tangible results. Valuing stability can spur you to achieve more. After Mars crosses your domestic angle, pursue working from home or working on your home and perhaps tackle an emotional or real-estate issue. The full moon reminds you transform pain into power, trust enough to share, honor someone else’s deep need, seek healthy give-and-take and release old jealousy.


Follow @astrotherapist on Twitter and email to schedule a reading over phone or Skype. Available in-person in NYC! $ 125 for 60 minutes, $ 150 for 90 minutes.

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Free People Horoscope by Tracy Allen, Week of December 1–7 Free People Horoscope by Tracy Allen, Week of December 1–7 Free People Horoscope by Tracy Allen, Week of December 1–7 Free People Horoscope by Tracy Allen, Week of December 1–7 Free People Horoscope by Tracy Allen, Week of December 1–7

Free People Horoscope by Tracy Allen, Week of December 1–7
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