Free People Horoscope by Tracy Allen, Week of December 15–21

Free People Horoscope by Tracy Allen, Week of December 15–21

Follow @astrotherapist on Twitter and email to schedule a reading over phone or Skype. Available in-person in NYC! $ 125 for 60 minutes, $ 150 for 90 minutes.


November 22–December 21

The planets are gathering in your worth zone this week, prodding you to turn your attention to money, self-confidence, possessions, values and talents. Your wants could be a source of friction, with covetous Venus getting involved in a war between Uranus and Pluto. Impulse purchases that may please you in the moment can also give you the sense that you don’t have control over your finances. Or if your love life is very up and down, that could shake your self-esteem. And an urge to escape and seek out new forms of amusement and happiness can conflict with a gradual movement toward security. If intense desires threaten to destroy your budget, direct them toward things that satisfy the five senses. Creature comforts like delicious food, a scented candle or a cozy blanket are apt to hit the spot now. With Mars and Uranus dovetailing in your communication and self-expression houses, conveying not only what’s on your mind, but also what’s in your heart, is favored. This could easily take the form of a brilliant burst of creativity. The new moon nudges you to consider your material needs and find ways to increase your income or create a foundation that supports you.



December 22–January 19

Not only are Mercury, the sun and the moon moving into Capricorn this week, where Venus and Pluto are already hanging, but the luminaries are coming together to form a new moon in your sign—your cue to kick off the season with a determination to start fresh. The sun, the moon and Mercury are collaborating with Neptune in your mindset zone to help you align your energy, emotions, thoughts and soul so you can begin your new year with clear intention. Take full advantage of this annual chance to reinvent yourself, focusing especially on how you come across, how you express yourself and how you approach anything new. With Venus getting pulled into the Uranus-Pluto battle, your desires intensify, your need for control seeps into your relationships and the changes you’re going through threaten to uproot you in various ways. Part of you wants to keep a tight grip on the status quo for fear of breaking old ties. But you need to free yourself from the influence of the past. It’s upsetting to realize that the very things you thought would never change are indeed changing. And yet you have the will and the impetus now to make change your greatest ally. Happy birthday!



January 20–February 18

As the planets amass in the last house of your chart this week, you may start to feel like hibernating. During the weeks leading up to your birthday season, it’s natural to take a step back and reflect on the past year before you begin a new one. So find a peaceful place where you can spend time alone in reverie. Contemplate your dreams, heed your intuition, get lost in your imagination, do some soul searching, meditate, rest, recharge your battery, replenish your spirit, allow an ending to sink in. The new moon is harmonizing with cleansing Neptune, hinting that starting a new spiritual practice or recommitting to an existing one would be therapeutic for you. And having empathy for yourself and others will help to generate healing. Intense subconscious desires could bubble to the surface now and influence your thoughts and words in unexpected ways. You might accidentally reveal private feelings. Or love—particularly selfless love—could alter your perception. With Uranus turning direct in your mindset zone, your brain is buzzing, and anticipation could easily segue into anxiety. Mars in Aquarius is clicking with Uranus, so you should be able to combine thought and action now. In other words, walk your talk.



February 19–March 20

Half the planets are traveling through your hopes-and-humanity sector this week, beckoning you to focus on teamwork, philanthropy, friendship, new goals, professional networking and groups that support your interests. Your social life will pick up after gregarious Mercury and the energizing sun arrive in this house, so even though you’re probably working behind the scenes in some capacity, you should stay in circulation to keep your spirits up. The new moon is in sync with Neptune, implying that an organization, career contact, friend or charity effort can help clarify and advance your dreams in the coming months. Reach out to people and convey your highest aspirations to them so they can support you. Venus is feeling the stress of the Uranus-Pluto battle, which could impact your interactions. Think about what you want from people and how shaky finances or confidence could put too much power in others’ hands and strain your relationships. If you can identify a trouble spot, it might be useful to see yourself as both part of the problem and part of the solution. What role do you play and how can you change it for the better? Empower yourself to embrace fresh hope and to connect with those who foster that hope.



March 21–April 19

It’s all about goals and progress for you this week, with planets in your ambition angle at the center of the action and forward-thinking Uranus turning direct in Aries. Listen to your intuition regarding career plans, and acknowledge a private dream or a dream that you’re barely conscious of yourself. The new moon encourages you to be open to new twists in your professional path and to contemplate new goals that will fulfill you on a deeper level. You probably need to wrap up something else before you jump into anything new. An urge to rebel against what you thought you wanted could work against you, so don’t do anything extreme. You can charm someone in power, especially if you’re pursuing your passion with the best intentions, and you yourself might be drawn to an authority figure, an older person or someone ahead of you in their career. Networking, teamwork and taking action to benefit others or to move toward a new objective should all go well. Uranus will ratchet up your anticipation of the future—and perhaps your anxiety over it as well. And it will remind you of your dissatisfaction with the status quo. By their very nature, revolutions feel urgent. But they rarely happen overnight.



April 20–May 20

Your ruler Venus gets in on the Uranus-Pluto battle this week, quarreling with Uranus and linking up with Pluto—and probably jarring your perspective as a result. You’re feeling rather bold, adventurous and brave and might have a strong desire to roam outside the margins of security. The subtle-but-persistent instability in your unconscious could make freedom and change extra nerve-wracking, though. Even if you’re coming to accept change, you still probably want to control it, and a voice in the back of your head is prone to inducing panic by insinuating that change equals unpredictability. As Uranus leaves its retrograde phase, this anxiety over life’s upsetting randomness is apt to be reawakened. It could be useful to think about the changes that you fear most and what positive purpose they might serve. Sometimes your soul deliberately seeks out what you’re scared of in order for you to grow. And with half the planets in your expansion house, including a new moon, you’re being called to grow. What do you need to learn next so you can contribute something you believe in to the world? Let your restlessness ready you for a journey that carries you closer to your ideals.



May 21–June 20

With Mercury and the sun moving into your depth zone this week, you should be able to zero in on a passion project, a close relationship or a personal issue. Merc is clicking with Neptune in your ambition angle, suggesting that you do some intensive research on a career dream, rely on psychological insights to understand a confusing authority figure, investigate outside financing to support a professional aspiration or put your head together with a partner to brainstorm a goal. The new moon joins that pairing, prompting you to think about what you need from others—and maybe where a particular relationship is going. Venus is feeling the Uranus-Pluto friction this week, so your desire for closeness continues to be at odds with keeping your options open, focusing on friends and doing your own thing. You might also be frustrated by an imbalance of power in a relationship and the unpredictability of other people. And you may be reminded now that love has the power to transform you. If you’re attracted to someone, it’s probably very intense. Resist the urge to run. It’s okay to feel like you’re out of your depth. The deep end is where you really prove to yourself that you can swim.



June 21–July 22

After Mercury and the sun cross your relationship angle this week, the new moon aligns with them, putting extra emphasis on your one-on-one dealings. Half the planets are in that part of your chart now, so the last thing you should do is try to go it alone. If you need to give some serious thought to a particular relationship, this is a great time for that. Consider whether it’s meeting your emotional needs and whether you share the same ideals and beliefs. This is also a good opportunity to decide that you’re ready for a significant relationship or to take an existing one to the next level. You should find that you’re able to discuss your hopes, needs and feelings without much effort now. If you’ve been working on something that you ultimately want to share with others, the new moon could indicate that it’s about time to go public. And you may soon meet someone who makes you really think and colors your outlook. You could become impatient or demanding with others now, or vice versa. The bottom line is that a specific relationship or your way of relating in general needs to change. Stressful as it may be, it’s necessary—so go along with it.



July 23–August 22

The planets are gathering in your productivity house this week, calling for you to focus on your health, fitness, duties, skills, job, habits, time management, daily routine and general modus operandi. Detailed thinking could help you to solve a confusing money matter. You may want desperately to change your job situation or your daily reality now and feel like there’s no escape. And you might have trouble getting along with a coworker, especially if one of you is being too controlling. Try not to let frustration affect your rapport with colleagues or your ability to do your job. If you can’t have things just the way you want them now, find innovative workarounds or seek impromptu escape routes. Your health or overall sense of wellbeing could suffer now, so take extra good care of yourself. The new moon is coaxing you to open up to new ways of getting things done and to consider healthy diet changes and holistic healing methods that can improve your personal wellness. If cleanses are your thing, you might want to start a brief pre-holiday one after the new moon on Saturday night, since the moon is harmonizing with purifying Neptune in your transformation zone.

August 23–September 22

After your ruling planet Mercury skips into your fulfillment sector this week, the sun follows suit days later, and then a new moon there caps off your week. You can’t predict the reaction that your heartfelt feelings or creative product will get, but you must stay true to your passion regardless. Try to recognize your own ambivalence so as not to lay it all at someone else’s feet. For instance, if you get a lukewarm or even chilly reception, were you afraid of the power—or powerful emotions—that an enthusiastic reception might have spawned? Communicating verbally or expressing yourself in writing can facilitate understanding now, as Mercury syncs with symbiotic Neptune in your relationship angle. And you could experience liberating closeness or free something up in your psyche just by putting in hard work—on a relationship or on yourself. The new moon encourages you to let loose a little and start to enjoy life more. A new romance that segues into a meaningful partnership could be on the horizon, or a new source of creativity, fun or happiness may be opening up. Honor your need to play, love, create and express yourself. Happy people live well-rounded lives.



September 23–October 22

Venus gets herself entangled in the Uranus-Pluto fracas this week, which is likely to affect your emotional state. If you’re craving peace, it could be hard to come by—perhaps due to turbulence at home or unreliable people. Although your connections to others are vitally important to you, sometimes you need to rely solely on your internal compass to guide you no matter what going on around you. It only stresses you out to remain in a perpetual state of reactivity. Find your center and allow it to be your port in a storm. It’s not important whether you consider that center to be emotional, mental or spiritual. What is important is being able to locate a place within yourself that can give you what you typically seek from others. If you’re not sure what you depend on others to give you, ask yourself. Love? Security? Balance? When it comes from within, you’ll feel empowered—and less disappointed in others. The new moon at the bottom of your chart hints at new developments involving your family, living situation, relationship to the past, private emotions or comfort level. Make changes in your home that enable your daily life to flow more smoothly.



October 23–November 21

With Venus in your cognition-and-communication sector, you want peace of mind and pleasant interactions, but those things may be difficult to achieve this week when Venus gets involved in the fight between Uranus and Pluto. Your job, a health issue or changes in your circumstances or schedule could rattle you. You may become impatient, but try to find beauty, love and happiness in unexpected moments. If you decide that you want to enjoy your day, then you’ll find a way to do so, despite the curveballs being thrown at you. You’re quite determined to control things with your mind, thanks to Pluto’s presence in your mentality zone. The Venus-Pluto pairing may help to shift your concept of love, get you to express deep feelings or induce obsessive jealousy. If it’s the latter, understand that this is your present perception of things—not necessarily an accurate depiction of reality. The new moon encourages you to be open to new information and to try looking at everything from a different angle. Habitual thought patterns wear grooves in your brain that are hard to get out of. But when you do manage to jump onto another track, nothing looks the same anymore. Your lens dictates your view of life.


Follow @astrotherapist on Twitter and email to schedule a reading over phone or Skype. Available in-person in NYC! $ 125 for 60 minutes, $ 150 for 90 minutes.

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Free People Horoscope by Tracy Allen, Week of December 15–21 Free People Horoscope by Tracy Allen, Week of December 15–21 Free People Horoscope by Tracy Allen, Week of December 15–21 Free People Horoscope by Tracy Allen, Week of December 15–21 Free People Horoscope by Tracy Allen, Week of December 15–21

Free People Horoscope by Tracy Allen, Week of December 15–21
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