Free People Horoscope by Tracy Allen, Week of October 20-26
Free People Horoscope by Tracy Allen, Week of October 20-26
Follow @astrotherapist on Twitter and email to schedule a reading over phone or Skype. Available in-person in NYC! $ 125 for 60 minutes, $ 150 for 90 minutes.
October 23–November 21
Soon after the sun enters your sign this week, Venus follows suit—and then right after that, a solar eclipse in Scorpio adds to the drama. Your energy, will, desire, feelings and needs are all coming together now, driving home the message that it’s time to reinvent yourself as only a Scorpio can. Try out a new look. Project an image that more accurately reflects the real you. Dare to make yourself more visible. Meet the world with confidence. Become more independent. Take charge of your life. Vow to live up to your full potential. Know who you are; love who you are. Neptune’s affiliation with the eclipse suggests that the happiness, personal fulfillment, creative self-expression, love and joyful fun you yearn for is closely connected with this reinvention. Make “New year, new me” your mantra.
November 22–December 21
This week’s solar eclipse in the last house of your chart calls for you to cleanse your spirit and recharge your battery. Release something—or someone—that’s holding you back. Develop more compassion. Ask your soul what it needs and then nourish it accordingly. Never wallow in guilt; it serves no one. Listen to your intuition more. Spend time alone replenishing your energy. Periodically tune out the distractions of daily life and tune into your imagination. Let something from your subconscious rise to the surface so you can deal with it. Begin a new spiritual practice, whatever that means to you. Even something like a daily run can fit the bill. Neptune’s connection with the eclipse hints that such steps in the right direction could help to heal the past and give you a greater sense of inner peace.
December 22–January 19
When a solar eclipse lands in your network house this week, that’s your cue to pay more attention to group interests; join an organization; make new professional contacts or friends; find a different role in a group; launch a philanthropic effort; consider what’s next for you and chart a fresh course; begin a new chapter in your social life; broaden your circle; drop something from your wish list and replace it with something that’s more relevant to the you of today; embrace teamwork; and seek out people who give you a feeling of belonging. Given Neptune’s contact with the eclipse, the implication is that a fluid mindset and meaningful communication go hand in hand with the above changes. Mars’s arrival in Capricorn at week’s end increases your productivity for the next month and a half.
January 20–February 18
The solar eclipse at the top of your chart demands that you turn your attention to your career, public image, life path and professional objectives. Fresh goals or a fresh approach to achieving existing ones are advisable in the coming months. You may need to set off in a new direction in your career or aim higher when it comes to recognition and status. Your plan for success might require some tweaking at this point. A new development—good or bad—may shift your ambition in a way that proves necessary in the long run. It could be that you need to take the reins more and be open to assuming more responsibility and acquiring a sense of authority. Such changes can coalesce with your spiritual values, self-worth and finances in a positive way.
February 19–March 20
Neptune in Pisces harmonizes with the solar eclipse this week, helping you to connect with its energy. The eclipse itself falls in your exploration zone, encouraging you to broaden your horizons in the coming months. Sign up for a new learning opportunity. Take a big trip. Expose yourself to an unfamiliar culture or belief system. Be open to adventure. Break out of your emotional comfort zone or your daily routine. Look at life from a new angle. Renew your faith in the future. Try a new personal philosophy on for size, especially if it affirms your dreams. With Neptune in your sign, you’re like a chameleon, and your general outlook needs to shift to better align with the subtle shifts within you. Step outside yourself and get a bird’s-eye view. It will prove cathartic.
March 21–April 19
This week’s solar eclipse pushes you to take trust, sharing, sexuality, inner transformation and closeness to the next level in the coming months, and the eclipse’s collaboration with Neptune in your releasing sector hints that you need to surrender something in order to align yourself with this new beginning. You’re being called to go deeper into the intricate dance of close relationships or deeper into the labyrinth of your own psyche. And to do so, you need to let go. If you listen, your intuition will tell you what—or whom—you need to let go of. The house that the eclipse falls in is intense and powerful, not casual or superficial, so you need to follow your feelings, even if they lead you to dark, scary places. With Mercury turning direct in your relationship angle, you’ll find dialogue gradually gets easier.
April 20–May 20
A solar eclipse in your others angle puts the focus on one-on-one interactions and prods you to improve your existing relationships or seek healthier new ones. What do you want from your closest connections? What kind of people are you drawn to? How good are you at balancing your needs and those of others? Is interdependence challenging for you? Do you give too much or too little? Expect too much or too little? Neptune in your network zone is clicking with the eclipse, suggesting that finding a role with other people that feels right to you, meshing with others in a more organic way and seeking out those who share your ideals are keys to stepping up your relationship game. As Mercury goes direct, details will begin to get ironed out and you’ll feel more efficient.
May 21–June 20
Mercury comes out of retrograde this week, a big plus for Gems, since you’re ruled by the messenger planet. Your ability to express yourself and to think creatively will slowly return as Merc gets back up to speed. A solar eclipse draws your attention to your job, work ethic and methods, time management, habits, skills, health, fitness, efficiency, daily routine, responsibilities and organization. This is a good time to launch some sort of self-improvement campaign that will help you feel like you’ve got your life together. What changes will enable you to function better day to day? What can you work into your schedule to increase your productivity or your wellbeing? The eclipse’s fortuitous encounter with Neptune in your ambition angle tells you that such changes can dovetail with your quest for a meaningful life direction.
June 21–July 22
A solar eclipse in your fulfillment zone this week nudges you to come out of your shell and take a risk—possibly a creative or romantic one—for the sake of your own happiness. Be open to a new source of pleasure such as a hobby, artistic project or love interest. Seek fresh ways of expressing your whole self. Wear your heart on your sleeve a little more. Dare to expose a quirk that you usually keep under wraps. Don’t be afraid to be different. Grow your self-confidence. Strengthen your identity. Invite more joy into your life. Neptune’s contact with the eclipse implies that such changes will help you to create the future you envision. With Mercury turning direct at the bottom of your chart, your knack for understanding your emotions and conveying them will kick back in.
July 23–August 22
With this week’s solar eclipse occurring at the bottom of your chart, your literal and emotional home base is drawn into focus. A change connected to your family, home life, comfort, security, emotional state or relationship to the past is in order. Consider your innermost needs, what grounds you and keeps you emotionally centered. How can you give yourself a better foundation in the coming months? A move may very well be in the cards. Or perhaps you need to declutter your living space. Or move past old feelings that are keeping you stuck. Neptune is in your trust-and-transformation house and collaborating with the eclipse, telling you that turning a corner in one of the ways mentioned here can bring you closer to your true self or closer to someone else.
August 23–September 22
With Mercury coming out of retrograde late in the week, your financial judgment and ability to assess your needs and priorities should slowly return. If you’ve been rethinking something to do with money, self-esteem, values or possessions, you can start to move ahead with a decision in the coming weeks. A solar eclipse spurs a fresh line of thinking, a new manner of communicating, the launch of a community project, an influx of information, a change in your daily travels, a new development with a sibling, a deeper level of awareness, a mind-altering experience or new questions that lead you down untrodden pathways in your mind. Neptune adds another twist by clicking with the eclipse—a significant bond may be healed through one of the above changes. If that rings a bell, you’re in a good place to act on it.
September 23–October 22
Mercury’s direct turn in Libra will improve your ability to get your message across and to make sound personal choices. You’ve probably been reevaluating something about yourself, and now you can move ahead with a fresh approach. The solar eclipse hails a change in your finances, possessions, self-esteem, talents, values, material needs or priorities. Perhaps a fresh source of income is necessary to shore up your security. Or a new budget will improve your financial affairs. Maybe you need to draw on a neglected natural gift to grow your confidence or your bank account. A reshuffling of priorities may lead to spending your money differently or getting rid of some stuff. Thanks to a beneficial angle between the eclipse and Neptune, turning over a new leaf as described above can coincide with more meaningful work or improved spiritual wellbeing.
Follow @astrotherapist on Twitter and email to schedule a reading over phone or Skype. Available in-person in NYC! $ 125 for 60 minutes, $ 150 for 90 minutes.
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Free People Horoscope by Tracy Allen, Week of October 20-26