Free People Horoscopes by Tracy Allen, Week of November 28- December 4

What does the forecast look like this week? Only one way to find out…

Follow @astrotherapist on Twitter and email to schedule a reading over phone or Skype. Available in-person in NYC! $ 125 for 60 minutes, $ 150 for 90 minutes.


November 22–December 21

This week’s new moon in Sagittarius encourages you to set goals for the coming year and to make a fresh start. It’s your annual excuse for personal reinvention, so consider what changes you’d like to make going forward. The sun in your sign is contending with Neptune in your foundation angle, which could drain your energy and leave you feeling discouraged. Don’t hesitate to lay low and get more rest. Your family or home life may be wearing you out, and alone time is likely to help. When Venus in your worth house clashes with Uranus in your pleasure sector, a whimsical desire can lead to impulsive spending. Mars is gelling with Jupiter in your network zone, facilitating teamwork, learning with — or from — a group and obtaining what you need from friends. Mars is also in sync with Saturn in Sag, so you’ll have success selling your ideas, making a plan of action, accomplishing something with other people and executing a mental task.



December 22–January 19

With a new moon occurring in the last house of your chart this week, this can be a good time to begin a spiritual practice and to retreat from the world to do some soul searching or to catch up on your sleep. You can gain peace of mind from looking back on the last year and letting go of negative emotions. Venus in Capricorn is sparring with Uranus in your foundation angle, implying that your family or home life could affect your social life or mess with your good mood. Mercury’s arrival in your sign should help you to express yourself clearly and assess matters more objectively. A sun-Neptune squabble does hint at some mental confusion, but viewing life through a compassionate lens and honoring your intuition can improve your mindset. Mars is collaborating with Jupiter and Saturn, nudging you to make the most of your talents and other resources and to be proactive in your pursuit of career success and financial security.



January 20–February 18

Your network zone hosts the new moon this week, potentially prompting you to join an organization, make new contacts and friends and socialize more. The sun in that house is fighting with Neptune in your worth sector, hinting at possible confusion with a group over money or values. Or low self-esteem might make you unsure of your role with other people. A Venus-Uranus spat means distracting thoughts or interactions can keep you from enjoying your solitude, or you might grow impatient when taking care of someone. Luckily, Mars in Aquarius is harmonizing with Jupiter in your expansion corner, enabling you to proactively broaden your horizons. This is a good time to pursue learning, travel and growth experiences, and you could also choose to tackle a publishing project. Asserting yourself can brighten your outlook and teach you something. A Mars-Saturn connection may bring an opportunity to collaborate with others, and you’d do well to build a team of supporters now.



February 19–March 20

When a new moon lands at the top of your chart this week, consider setting new goals, making a business plan, embarking on a new chapter in your career and shoring up your public or professional image. The sun is skirmishing with Neptune in Pisces, suggesting that you could be unconsciously keeping yourself from shining, possibly by sending an unclear message or by fostering unrealistic ideals. It might not seem easy to find a good compromise between a big dream and a pragmatic objective. A Venus-Uranus quarrel means group relations can be affected by uneven confidence, or erratic funds can complicate socializing. Fortunately, Mars in your seclusion corner is clicking with Saturn, implying that working tirelessly behind the scenes will help you to slowly attain success. And a Mars-Jupiter encounter spells private intimacy that enhances a bond or active introspection that helps you to understand yourself, so spend some time by yourself or with someone close to you.



March 21–April 19

The new moon in your exploration corner this week is linked with Mars in your network zone, inspiring you to feed your hunger for travel, learning and adventure and to recruit others to join you as you broaden your horizons. Friends and colleagues are likely to foment your initiative to grow, so don’t be a lone wolf. Since the sun is sparring with Neptune, inner questioning, melancholy or a vague emptiness can prevent you from holding onto a sense of meaning and using it to guide your mission, and you may simply need to retreat from the world momentarily to recharge your battery. A Venus-Uranus struggle hints that your independent streak or impatience can make it harder to appeal to higher-ups, but you might do highly creative work as a result. Mars is vibing with Jupiter in your relationship angle, enabling you to learn a lot from other people and to derive significant benefit from a multitude of connections.



April 20–May 20

A new moon in your depth sector this week nudges you to delve into your psyche, initiate an investigation or research project, invest in a close relationship or seek outside resources such as a loan or grant. Your ruler, Venus, is in your exploration corner and fighting with Uranus, potentially undermining the pleasure you’re getting from meeting new people and having different experiences. You could unintentionally sabotage yourself, so pay attention to subconscious impulses. A sun-Neptune feud suggests your private life and social life may clash, and you could get confused over sex and friendship and wind up feeling disillusioned or deceived. Be careful not to idealize people out of a desire for closeness. With Mars at the top of your chart harmonizing with Jupiter in your productivity corner, your hard work will reinforce your pursuit of goals. Your ambition is amplified by a positive attitude toward responsibility, and partnership or intense focus on one endeavor can pay off.



May 21–June 20

This week’s new moon falls in your one-on-one angle, hinting at a new relationship or an existing one moving to the next level. It’s a good time to redefine a connection or to work on being a better partner. The sun’s disagreement with Neptune in your ambition house suggests that you may be uncertain of where a relationship is heading or what role you play in it. It could be difficult to find mutual ideals and goals now. Venus in your sharing sector is quibbling with Uranus in your network zone, so your rapport with another individual could change because of a friendship or social circumstances. You might need to allow for more personal space in a close relationship. Luckily, Mars in your expansion corner is meshing with Jupiter in your joy house, implying that intellectual pursuits and adventures such as travel will be very pleasurable and fulfilling. Exploring the world with a partner or close friend can solidify your bond.



June 21–July 22

Thanks to a new moon in your efficiency corner, this is a good week to initiate a positive habit; launch a job search; start a different diet or fitness regimen; streamline your schedule; reorganize your workspace; take on a responsibility; address a health issue; strengthen your work ethic; or update your to-do list. Due to a squabble between Venus in your one-on-one angle and Uranus in your ambition house, changes related to your boss, career or goals could throw off a relationship, and you’ll need to stay flexible and be willing to compromise. A sun-Neptune disagreement hints that you’ll get distracted from your work at some point and may fantasize about getting away. Indulge in a brief escape, then refocus. With Mars in your depth sector vibing with Jupiter in your foundation angle and Saturn in your work-and-health house, concentrating intently on a project, confronting something in your psyche or pursuing closeness will give you a sense of wellbeing and productivity.



July 23–August 22

A new moon in your fulfillment house this week inspires you to express who you are and what you feel, recognize your need for creative expression, love whomever you choose and live passionately. This lunation is a reminder to enjoy your life as a well-rounded, unique individual. Your ruler, the sun, is sparring with Neptune in your sharing sector, so the response that you crave from another person may elude you, and closeness could be a bit bewildering. Don’t get discouraged, though. Shine your light and try to let go of a need for approval. Venus’s skirmish with Uranus hints that you’ll be easily distracted, even from a pleasant task, or your changing views might affect your desire to work on a relationship. Thanks to Mars in your one-on-one angle jibing with Jupiter in your thinking-and-talking corner, you’ll have luck working through conflicts with other people and cooperating with a positive attitude. An artistic collaboration is apt to be a success.



August 23–September 22

When a new moon falls at the bottom of your chart this week, your need for comfort is emphasized. Your living situation may be changing, or something is about to shift with your family or housemates. Get in touch with your innermost emotions and needs, and do what you can to soothe yourself. You might crave quiet alone time that allows you to reflect. The sun in your foundation angle is at odds with Neptune in your relationship house, implying that people could be draining your energy and driving you to hibernate. You might feel confused by others and need to tune into what’s going on inside you. A Venus-Uranus quarrel can generate tension between light romance and unpredictable intimacy, and you should expect the unexpected when it comes to matters of the heart. Mars is gelling with Jupiter and Saturn, enabling you to work hard—possibly at home—making the most of your talents and improving your security.



September 23–October 22

This week’s new moon could spell fresh information, a different way of thinking, a development in your community, an enhanced awareness of your environment and a flurry of self-expression and interaction. It’s a good time to reach out to people and to learn something new. With Venus battling Uranus in your one-on-one angle, family relations may be at odds with a close connection, or your desire to nest may be thwarted by another person’s whims. An individual can disturb your peaceful mood, but be open to trying something different. Communication on the job could entail crossed wires, so be careful to clarify details. Mars in your fulfillment house is harmonizing with Jupiter in Libra, ensuring that your pursuit of pleasure will further personal growth. A risk is likely to pay off, so be bold and go after your heart’s desire with confidence. Your inclination to explore can propel you to travel, do something daringly creative or embark on a love affair.



October 23–November 21

This week’s new moon in your worth house coaxes you to create a budget or new source of income, set a goal related to money or possessions and tune into the natural world, indulging your senses. Venus in your thinking-and-talking corner is sparring with Uranus, suggesting that pleasant thoughts and conversation could take an unexpected turn due to circumstances beyond your control that suddenly arise. Relations with colleagues will be especially unpredictable. However, creative thinking is definitely favored. A sun-Neptune fight means self-confidence could dissipate as a result of unattainable ideals of love or pleasure, and self-deluded spending is also a risk. Don’t let an unrealistic dream sway you from your core personal values. Mars in your foundation angle is gelling with Jupiter in your spirit corner, helping you to unpack emotional baggage and gain self-knowledge in the process. Have the courage to confront your past, old anger or a subconscious pattern in order to understand yourself and free your soul.

Follow @astrotherapist on Twitter and email to schedule a reading over phone or Skype. Available in-person in NYC! $ 125 for 60 minutes, $ 150 for 90 minutes.

Free People Horoscopes by Tracy Allen, Week of November 28- December 4 Free People Horoscopes by Tracy Allen, Week of November 28- December 4 Free People Horoscopes by Tracy Allen, Week of November 28- December 4 Free People Horoscopes by Tracy Allen, Week of November 28- December 4 Free People Horoscopes by Tracy Allen, Week of November 28- December 4

Free People Horoscopes by Tracy Allen, Week of November 28- December 4
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