Fruit Jello Delight

Fruit Jello Delight

  • Prep Time: 10 mins
  • Total Time: 4 hrs 10 mins
  • Servings: 4
  • About This Recipe

    “A wonderful, low calorie, no-fat dessert that everyone will enjoy!”


  • 1 (5/8 ounce) package Jello gelatin( sugar-free, any flavor)
  • 1cupboiling water
  • 1cupcold water
  • 1banana( chopped)
  • 1apple( diced or chopped)
  • 1cupgrapes( or any other small fruit of your choice)
  • Directions

  • Boil the one cup of water and add it to the Jello in a bowl or container.
  • Stir for about 2 minutes, until completely dissolved.
  • Add one cup cold water, stir.
  • Put 1 cup chopped banana into bottom of the bowl.
  • Chill in refrigerator for about 1-2 hours, or until a thick jelly-like consistency.
  • Add other fruit into Jello, spread evenly.
  • Place back into refrigerator for about 2-3 more hours.
  • Enjoy!
  • Reviews

  • “The first time I made this was last fall.I needed a salad for DD’s high school dinner theater, the musical was *Once Upon A Mattress* back in Nov. I had everything on hand to make this except the grapes. So I wanted to make this again when I had grapes. My mom would always do the banana/apple jello when we were young.But with the addition of the grapes, it just makes it a little more special.Thanks for posting and the memories.Made for *Zaar Cookbooks Tag 2009* game”

  • “Kat, this was delightfull!! We both love jello and we eat a lot of fruit, so I doubled the recipe, it will last us a few days. Thoroughly enjoyed it and it was a nice light end to a huge meal for ‘zaar day, thanks for sharing a good one!!january 25, 2008, I thought it was time I came back to say this is a regular around our house, we love it!! and i just realized i had never done a photo.We love the apple and banana combo and the grapes too but often the grapes are too expensive, so I sub with other fruit, this time with orange pieces, it was delicious served with a little French Vanilla icecream on top. thanks again for posting a delightful regular!!”

  • “What a terrific way to get fresh fruit into my family.I used sugar free strawberry jello and with one batch,used bananas and red grapes and with another batch I used peaches and grapes.There’s alwasys room for Jello!”
