HEDGEHOG FABRIC -Mohair natural fabric by WoolFinchStudio

4,00 EUR

This material is made from 100 % Mohair produced by Steiff, and is perfect for making hedgehogs or bears. The spikes are slightly stiff and do undoubtedly look like the appearance of a hedgehog, just a little softer!
Support is likewise natural
There are now two different lengths of spikes. One understood as & quot; & quot; short and spiky & quot; & quot; a October 9 mm and a medium length, 12-14 mm. Please see the last 2 pictures for comparison. If you are wondering, what size you made use of to get, it was a 10mm.

For any questions, kindly do not think twice to contact me!

Sizes in inches:

10 x 10cm = 3.93 x 3.93 in
20 x 20cm = 7.87 x 7.87 in
35 x 25cm = 13.77 x 50 9.82 in
x 35cm = 19.68 x 13.77 in
50 x 50cm = 19.68 x 19.68 in
50 x140cm = 19.68 x 55.11 in

Please see the last picture for a lovely example on how to utilize the hedgehog material. This cutie have been needlefelted by:

Courtney from Needlefeltedlove, please follow the link below:


100 % Mohair

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