Hot Mustard

Hot Mustard

  • Prep Time: 10 mins
  • Total Time: 25 mins
  • Yield: 1-1 1/4cups
  • About This Recipe

    “Great with corned beef. Can be kept in the fridge for a couple of months”


  • 1cupmustard powder
  • 1/2 cupvinegar
  • 2/3 cupsugar
  • 1/2 cupwater
  • 1pinchsalt
  • Directions

  • Combine all the ingredients in a saucepan.
  • Bring to a boil, reduce heat& simmer 10 minutes.
  • Place in sterilized jar& refrigerate.
  • Reviews

  • “And so it happens that Dennis brought wonderful, light, crispy egg rolls home tonight from our favorite Asian carry-out. I am a total swoon over hot mustard, in fact; I could just as much eat the mustard as the egg roll. Anyway, our favorite folks forgot to add packets of hot mustard, and there I was, not a nary packet in the house. My first reaction (as always) is to pop on Zaar and just pick a recipe, and this was it! I quickly put this little number together, cooking it on stove and it made such a good tasting hot mustard that I had to keep dipping my egg roll in as I was preparing it. I followed this exactly and it had a great “bite” to it. I closed the lid after devouring quite a bit ~ and it was ready to go for next time. So in the end, our favorite Asian carryout doesn’t have to include the packets anymore! We have some right here. Thanks Bergy! Made for *LiveStrong Day* May 2008″

  • “I ran out of the spicy brown mustard I usually use and needed some prepared mustard to cook dinner tonight.I decided this looked reasonably simple and good, and I’d try it.I made 1/2 a batch, and was actually rather scanty on the mustard (we only had about 3/4 of a jar left), but it is PLENTY hot!I actually added a little extra vinegar after tasting because it was a wee bit sweet for our tastes, but the end result was quite satisfactory.My husband and I agree it’s quite a reasonable substitute for store-bought spicy mustard, although dry mustard is expensive enough we won’t be switching over completely.”
