Irish Egg in a Cup for one
About This Recipe
“Chicken and geese eggs have always been very popular in the Irish diet. “….delightful feasts come….A cluthch of eggs, honey, mast….sweet apples..” (Irish quote) Simple tasty boiled egg dish”
“SO EASY.And delicious.I’ll be making this often!Thanks for posting it.”
“This was great – and verfy simple and can be reheated in the microwave is you add a drop of water.THank you for the recipe”
“We had two St. Patricks’ Day celebrations and I served this dish for one of them. Everyone loved their egg prepared this way. The only thing I did different was to use less butter per egg.Thanks Bergy.Bullwinkle”
“My dad used to make this for me!!I still crave it at times!Thank you for posting this, Bergy – it’s nice to have it written out!!”
“This was absolutely delish! I really enjoyed this so much, I had two! Very simple and quick breakfast dish that isn’t too demanding on a waking palate. Thanks so much for sharing this Irish treasure! Sláinte mhath!”
“This made for a delicious little breakfast. With a touch od elegance, I might add. Very Easy! Thank you Bergy! Well Wishes on your road to total recovery!”