Little Girl Writing on Chalkboard 300 dpi Digital Image Download Transfer For T Shirts Totes Napkins 072 by digikindredcreations
1,00 USD
Image comes as 8 1/2 x11 jpeg and png 300 dpi image.
They can be utilized on all sort of things and materials. Iron move them to practically anything or print them on paper and use them for jewelry making, cards, journals and more. ** There will certainly be no watermarks on the images acquired **
In buying or downloading this image you are concurring to the terms set out in this document.
These files are for individual and little business use just. They might not be recreated, sold,
shared, or redistributed in any type. They might not be used for commercial
functions unless they are printed and utilized to create derivative tangible works for a small crafting business. If you want to utilize my images to produce items in numbers larger than 100 please message me about acquiring an industrial license. For no factor can these images be marketed as digital images, utilize them to create digital collages or precut pieces or on other form of digital media whatsoever (including cds)
Do not make use of any images for obscene, slanderous, or immoral works or
any other purpose that is prohibited by law or might damage or upset somebody else.
You might utilize them to produce derivative works for charitable purposes so
long as 100 % of the earnings are donated to the charity, including (however not
limited to) time, products and printing expenses, and credit is provided me and
your charity.
Please credit me (, along
with the name of the kit), if you release your productions on the web or in
You may change the designs to match your personal needs as long as you still
credit me.
All files are created at 300DPI. To maintain quality it is recommended that you
save JPG files as TIFF files.
Kindly contact me at admin [At] if you have any
concerns or issues.