Monogrammed ID Badge reel, personalized, badge clip, lilly inspired patterns, monogrammed 9 pattern choices by sweetgrassprints

7,00 USD

Customize your work school or access badge with a monogrammed Lilly Motivated badge reel. Consists of swivel and 28 inch retractable cord.

Pick one of 9 patterns and 4 monogram styles.
Add monogram, colors, and personal details for the back.

size 1.25 inches
hard plastic
expertly printed and covered with resin cover fro protection.

Please CONSIST OF the following at checkout

1. monogram initially, last middle (in this order) *** IF name is Jane Anne Doe It will be JDA ***

2. color for monogram

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Monogrammed ID Badge reel, personalized, badge clip, lilly inspired patterns, monogrammed 9 pattern choices by sweetgrassprints