Moroccan Tomato and Capsicum Salad

Moroccan Tomato and Capsicum Salad

  • Prep Time: 10 mins
  • Total Time: 20 mins
  • Servings: 4
  • About This Recipe

    “A salad that I like to serve with Moroccan style dishes. It also goes well at a BBQ. Prep time doesn’t include standing time for the roasted capsicum.”


  • 1 (200g) medium red capsicums
  • 1 (200g) medium green capsicum
  • 2 (150g) medium egg tomatoes
  • 40mllemon juice
  • 1teaspoonground cumin
  • 40mlextra virgin olive oil
  • 1/2 cupfinely chopped parsley
  • 1teaspoonsalt
  • Directions

  • Quarter the capsicums, and remove the saeeds and membranes.
  • Roast under a grill (broiler) or in a very hot oven until the skin blackens and blisters.
  • Place in a paper or plastic bag for about 10 minutes.
  • Peel.
  • Chop the capsicum coarsely.
  • Drop the tomatoes into boiling water, count to ten, then drain and refresh in cold water.
  • Peel and seed, then chop coarsely.
  • Combine the capsicum and tomatoes in a bowl, add the combined remaining ingredients and mix well.
  • Reviews

  • “I made this recipe a few weeks ago and must have forgotten to review it. I dont know why because this is one great salad, the flavours are so wonderful together, the only thing I did change was the amount of salt I only add half teaspoon. I took this salad to work for lunch next day and the flavours were so much better the next day.I must admit I ate the whole lot on my own, and I still could of had more!Great recipe for summer Jan.Can’t wait to plant capsicum next year for this recipe!”

  • “This is a great taste combination – I loved the blend of roasted peppers and with the cumin and the tomatoes.I found the dressing measurements to be a bit off balance- I think next time I would reduce the salt and the lemon juice, adding it only to taste.The full teaspoon of salt made this too salty and the lemon flavor was a bit too strong. Even so, it was still a very flavorful, tasty salad and I am certainly planning to prepare this again, but just adjusting the salt and lemon juice.”
