Olive Garden Salad Dressing

Olive Garden Salad Dressing

  • Prep Time: 5 mins
  • Total Time: 5 mins
  • Servings: 15
  • Ingredients

  • 1/2 cupmayonnaise
  • 1/3 cupwhite vinegar
  • 1teaspoonvegetable oil
  • 2tablespoonscorn syrup
  • 2tablespoonsparmesan cheese
  • 2tablespoonsromano cheese
  • 1/4 teaspoongarlic salt
  • 1/2 teaspoonitalian seasoning
  • 1/2 teaspoonparsley flakes
  • 1tablespoonlemon juice
  • Directions

  • Mix all ingredients in a blender until well mixed.
  • If this is a little to tart for your own personal tastes please add a little extra sugar.
  • Reviews

  • “It’s a really great tasting and simple dressing, but it’s not the Olive Garden Dressing I know (in Winnipeg).I’ve been looking for this copycat recipe for a while, and am led to believe Olive Garden doesn’t use mayo in their dressing.I’m going to try Tonkats’ version of this next.”

  • “Very easy and delicious. It’s the first time I’ve seen my kids finish their entire salad. I added the sugar because it was a bit too bitter without. We cooked the crab fettucini with this and bread sticks. We felt spoiled!”

  • “It’s really nothing like Olive Garden’s dressing, but still excellent. I have made several times and everyone loves it. I only made a few changes, less vinegar and lemon juice, no corn syrup, and a sprinkle of sugar. Oh, and it’s best to leave in the fridge for at least an hour to let the flavors meld. Thank you so much!! :)”

  • “This is a great salad dressing.Definitely what one would expect from a restaurant.”

  • “This was good enough for me to stop spending money on the real OG dressing. I added some suger. Very tasty. It passed the Kid test! I will make this forever!”

  • “Super! When I first tried it, I didn’t think it tasted like Olive Garden, but after I put it in the refrigerator, I changed my mind. I could eat my weight in this!”

  • “Yum.I made it and kept it in the refrigerator and it just got better. I don’t usually like a lot of dressing on my salad but I liked a lot of this on my salad.I love Olive Garden Salad.I don’t particularly like their food, just their salad.”

  • “I don’t recall what Olive Garden salad dressing taste like….haven’t been there in years…but if it was pure vinegar then it’s a100% copy.And even after 3 hours in the fridge it didn’t become thick.I eventually added more cheese and more spices.Not sure if I’ll try this again.”

  • “I’m actually very impressed with this recipe.I used olive oil instead of vegetable oil and sugar instead of corn syrup for my own personal reasons.The vinegar taste is dominant so I decided to add another 1/2 tsp of sugar.Pretty yummy.I’ve decided that this thing is a keeper especially since I’m collecting salad dressing recipes with the intention of integrating more raw veggies in our diet.Thanks for posting a great recipe!”

  • “When I was pregnant with my twin daughters I had a HUGE craving for the olive garden’s “house” salad with dressing. This tastes exactly the same100%. Just buy a bag of salad mix, & add the tomatoes, onion, & black olives etc. You will save a ton of money, & time making it yourself. Don’t forget to buy a nice block of Romano cheese to grate over top of the salad. ;-)”

  • “This was good but did not taste like I remember.”

  • “this is so good!!! one of the best salad dressing i’v had
    thank you so much”

  • “I’ve seen this same recipe on several copy cat recipe sites.It doesn’t taste anything like Olive Garden. It was so watery I had to throw it out.The amount of vinegar was WAY too much.I tried to tone it down with more corn syrup/sugar but it didn’t help.I made it twice just to be sure I hadn’t missed something or read the recipe wrong.Sorry – it is not good.”

  • “I loved this and so did 3 others so 5 stars for me.I cannot say that this is close to OG as i remember but it has been a while since I have been.”

  • “I was at OG last Friday and then decided to look up how to make it at home.Well, this recipe is too white and has too much vinegar in it for it to look and taste like what I had last Friday.IF they use any mayo it is only 1-2 TBSP. But truthfully I think the slight whiteness in the dressing comes from the white grated parmesan and romano cheese that they use (my mother in law is sensitive to some cheese and asked what kind they use and was handed a label of ingredients).I will keep looking for a recipe that is close to OG dressing.”

  • “The reason for only four stars is because it claims to be Olive Garden dressing, when my family and I did not agree!As far as flavor and ease of preparing it is a five star recipe for sure!We love this dressing, and have made it several times already!Thanks for a great go to recipe!!”

  • “I just whipped up a batch of this on my lunch hour (one of the perks for living close to work).I dont’ have the cheeses in yet but it is still super delicious.I cannot wait to let it chill for a bit then use it on my salad this evening for dinner!Yum!”
