Original Bronx Egg Cream

Original Bronx Egg Cream

  • Prep Time: 1 mins
  • Total Time: 1 mins
  • Serves: 1,Yield: 8oz
  • About This Recipe

    “I grew up drinking this in the Bronx. Once you could get it at almost any corner soda fountain, now it’s considered a relic.”


  • 2tablespoonschocolate syrup( Ubet or Bosco to be authentic)
  • 5ouncesmilk
  • 3ouncesseltzer water
  • Directions

  • Mix the chocolate syrup and milk together.
  • While stirring, add the seltzer and continue stirring.
  • For true Bronx authenticity, wipe your mouth with your sleeve afterwards.
  • Reviews

  • “As a former New Yorker, this is a drink I remember from my childhood.I have tried to make this for years – even using similar ingredients and just couldn’t get the proportions right.The ingredients and the measurements in this recipe produce the exact taste I remember from my favorite soda fountain treat.Thanks for restoring a childhood memory!This is delicious and very easy to make.If you cannot find U-Bet, then you could substitute Hershey’s chocolate syrup- the kind that comes in a can, not a squeeze bottle (the squeeze bottle stuff is too thin).”

  • “What a delicious drink! I treated myself to this delight in honour of New York City and the tragedy of 9-11; I raised a cheer to NYC and the U.S. by creating this quintessential American beverage. I used lowfat milk, UBet (which I bought a while back while in Buffalo NY), and club soda. It couldn’t be easier to make and will now be a regular “snack” for me!”

  • “I was born in the bronx and I love egg cream. Not many people outside of N.Y. know what it is. It doesn’t have an egg in it so I wonder where it got the name,anyone know? If you’ve never tasted an egg cream you really should try this. Thanks for your recipe. It brings back memories.”

  • “the perfect chocolate drink.Love the taste.”

  • “Yum Yum! This brings warm fuzzys. I remember going to the soda fountain at our neighborhood drug store for these. So soooothing and delicious. “

  • “Yum yum yum!”

  • “I followed all instructions but it just wasn’t to my liking. It wasn’t terrible, but I guess you have to grow up on these to like them. I will make these again for my 4 year old, as he like anything chocolate. To me though, this is kind of like one of those crazy combination recipes you think will be great, but they just don’t taste as good as you imagined they would be. If you think you will like chocolate soda, then this recipe is for you.”

  • “These are traditionally enjoyed with a salted pretzel rod.”

  • “this was pretty good, like a chocolate milkshake soda. I wouldn’t say it’s fantastic, but I’d probably make it again.”

  • “You definitely need Fox’s U-Bet syrup to do this. It also works best with a real soda siphon (just pouring the seltzer out of a bottle, it doesn’t mix well enough, and if you stir, you lose a lot of the fizz). The best theory I’ve seen for the name is that it’s a corruption of “echt cream” – echt is a Yiddish word meaning “right, correct.” That is, this is “the right way to have cream.””

  • “I’m not sure how authentic my “egg cream” was — but it sure was delightful!!!Three of my grandkids are coming from the East coast in a couple weeks and they love chocolate milk.I saw Hot Pepper Jelly’s suggestion for this recipe and decided I had to try it.I think my kids will love it.I’m sure I could improve upon it if I would buy a different chocolate.Right now I only have sugar free chocolat syrup since hubby is a diabetic.I’ve never heard of “Egg Cream” before!Thanks for the recommendation, HotPepperJelly!!!!”

  • “You don’t have to be from N.Y.C. to enjoy an egg cream and this recipe is just like going to the soda fountain! I become familiar with the drink from Jewish deli’s in Chicago; probably former New Yorker’s started the place. I can get U-Bet in Chicago so that’s no problem and use a seltzer bottle for the carbonation. Below is a link to a fun article, all about “authentic” egg creams; the article is SO good, it was picked up by American Airlines In-flight magazine. :)https://www.jaykeller.com/cooking/eggcream.htm”

  • “Nothing beats a chocolate egg cream, except maybe with coffee syrup! :)Remember when the seltzer man came to the house with all the syrups and seltzer bottles! It was so cool to make them ourselves!Think I’ll have to make these again! Here in the mid west it should be interesting! LOLJelly”

  • “Okay extra UBET for me please I like them chocolaty LOL…and I agree that these taste best if you use an old fashioned seltzer spritzer..and they were popular in Queens too :):)”

  • “Been drinking them my whole life and they are just as popular in Brooklyn :)lol!When I was a kid, my Dad would make these for us before bed, with the real, now old fashioned seltzer spritzer type of bottle.SO New York!”

  • “Being a born, bred and never-gonna-leave Bronxite, I can vouch for this being the genuine article.And it rocks.DEFINITELY use Fox’s U-bet chocolate syrup if you can get it.It comes in a round glass jar with a yellow label.Bosco is a great second choice, though it seems to get tougher to find in stores these days.See www.wikihow.com/Make-a-New-York-Egg-Cream on the correct method of making a truly authentic Egg Cream.”

  • “Nothing beats an egg cream. Love you for posting this recipe. I grew up (and out lol) on egg creams and forget every now and then that I can’t order them when I go into a restaurant here in GA. Always use U-Bet. Don’t know what it is about it but it just isn’t the same with other syrups (unless you have no choice). Ok, so the best answers I could find as to why it is called an egg cream is 1)The syrup that was origionally used had egg in it and it was origionally made with cream (I think I saw someone on the food network make it with half and half) so they called it an egg cream. Only problem with this is that the guy with the origional recipe says it never had egg or cream in it. 2) It may have been given a different name to start with but had evolved to egg cream. Louis Auster was a Jewish candy store owner and many of his customers were Jewish as well. Maybe it origionally had a Yiddish name or he spoke in broken English. 3) Many sodas (from soda shops. We are talking late 1800s) were made with egg and cream but this made them more expensive. The egg cream has niether but tastes like it does so it was called an egg cream as a marketing ploy. All the flavor for half the price 🙂 In any event, I can’t eat an egg salad sandwich without an egg cream since this was what we would get at the diner when I was a kid for lunch. Its also the best drink with pretzels which is how they were served at the South Street Seaport. 8 oz may be a serving size for some lol but not for me. Make these in a tall soda glass and they are the best if you have ‘real’ seltzer from a syphon bottle. “

  • “I looove egg creams. I always get them when in New York or if I go to a sit-down deli. Making it myself made me realize that part of the appeal is that it’s just a dash of seltzer mixed in, so the drink is creamy, but every sip has that bit of a tickle. “

  • “Great drink!I’m from Texas, so I’ve never had an Egg Cream before.However, it reminds me of a Yahoo Chocolate Drink!I’ve made this drink twice now.The second time I made it for my step-son.He loves Yahoo’s and I’m sure he will be asking me to make this for him again.”
