Overnight Waffles

Overnight Waffles

  • Prep Time: 9 hrs
  • Total Time: 9 hrs 5 mins
  • Servings: 4-6
  • About This Recipe

    “These are the ultimate waffles, crisp on the outside, light on the inside. Serve with your favorite jam or syrup, bacon & sausages on the side. Be sure you follow the directions DO NOT add eggs the night before!! It issafe to leave the other ingredients out over night but not with the eggs added”


  • 1/2 teaspooninstant yeast
  • 2cupsall-purpose flour
  • 1tablespoonsugar
  • 1/2 teaspoonsalt
  • 2cupsmilk
  • 8tablespoonsmelted butter
  • 1/2 teaspoonvanilla(optional)
  • lite olive oil (for brushing the waffle iron) orvegetable oil( for brushing the waffle iron)
  • 2eggs
  • Directions

  • Before going to bed combine the dry ingredients and stir in the milk, then the cooled melted butter and vanilla (if using it).
  • The mixture will be very loose.
  • Cover and let it sit at room temperature overnight.
  • In the morning, separate the two eggs.
  • Stir the yolks into the batter.
  • Beat the whites until they hold soft peaks.
  • Gently stir the whites into the batter.
  • Brush waffle iron with oil lightly and ladle batter on the waffle iron and bake until done (3-5 munutes).
  • Serve or keep warm until all are baked.
  • Reviews

  • “Bergy you are a genius!!!!I got my husband to put this together for me Christmas eve, as Santa was giving my DD a waffle iron(long story) and the next day they were ready when we were.They were so good.The texture was fabulous.You have certainly done it again.”

  • “These are delicious and pretty easy. I was a little concerned about leaving them out all night without refrigeration, but it was no problem. The last batch was the best, but the iron was really good and hot by then. These deserve to be made again and again, and I will. Thanks Bergy!”

  • “this is a grea recipie. I know this because i just had them.”

  • “These were the best waffles I have ever had. They were very light with a crispy crust. I was a little worried about the runny consistancy of the batter, but I worried for nothing. If you don’t try these, you don’t know what you are missing.”

  • “These are great waffles.We’ve been trying to fiddle with the Fanny Farmer recipe with NO luck and stumbled upon this recipe.Even though it uses much less yeast than the other recipe, the batter ended up being much thicker and when cooked, it was much lighter.Because I had a cup of buttermilk that needed to be used, we included that in the second batch, and I think I may continue to do this.Wonderful, light but crispy with a great yeasty flavor.Perfect.Thanks for posting this!”

  • “I am not sure what went wrong with these, but the texture was weird.They got crispy on the bottom, but were soft (almost doughy) on top.I even adjusted it to a darker setting and it was still that way.They also didn’t rise at all; I used active dry yeast instead of instant yeast and maybe that is the reason?I also subbed coconut oil for the butter, but I have done that in many pancake and waffle recipes with success.The flavor was good, but the overall product was mediocre.Sorry.”

  • “Yum!Great waffles!I used 1/2 the butter to cut down on fat.Super easy, too!”

  • “Thanks for posting this recipe, Bergy, we really like it. Our waffle maker is the thick round kind and takes a while to cook. I love waffles, and I searched and searched for a recipe that wouldn’t get flat and dense half-way through the batter. This is it! I always use whole wheat pastry flour or white whole wheat flour. I also cut the butter to 6 T, since the waffles could be a bit greasy for some people, and they tended to burn when we reaheated them in the toaster from the freezer. I tried the recipe once with only 4 T butter, but they were very dry, I don’t recommend it. 6 is perfect. These are great with fresh strawberries and real maple syrup!”

  • “Wow! These were so much better than any store bought products. My husband loved them!! He was skeptical about leaving anything out overnight, but it worked like a charm. We added fresh blueberries and the texture and taste was still amazing. Thanks for a great recipe!”

  • “These were delicious. I never made this type of batter before and it was nice to make it ahead of schedule and just add the yolks and whites just before making them. I should have halved the batter because they were very filling and now I have a lot of left over batter! I hope it is okay tomorrow! Because we will be eating them again!!! NO problem! :)My iron has lights on it to let me know when it is hot enough and when the waffle is ready. The only thing I don’t like about my iron is that it doesn’t make a pretty waffle. I have to get the amount I put on it down. I will definitely make these again when the kids are all here!I made these for PAC 09Thank you for sharing! Jelly”

  • “Made these this morning for the office.The colleagues loved it. The office smelled like a bakery.I put in chopped up over riped bananas and a handful of chopped walnuts.Mmmm….. The waffles came out crispy on the outside and fluffy on the inside BUT they were not as thick as I thought they would be.”

  • “These have been a family favorite for years in our home!Same exact recipe. We make them on every special morning…like Christmas. They are THAT great!”

  • “I liked the ease of putting almost everything together the night before, but the waffles had a very strong yeast flavor.”

  • “We liked these, they taste wonderful!But I had trouble cooking them, I think because of the large amount of butter in the recipe.On the setting I normally use, these came out much too brown.When I lowered the heat, they didn’t brown uniformly and didn’t get crisp.I got 10 waffles out of the recipe and plan to freeze the leftovers for quick weekday toasted waffles.Thank you for posting Bergy, made for ZWT, please see my rating system as I rate tougher than most.”

  • “Bergy, thank you very much for this great recipe! I made them this morning and my whole family LOVED IT! Excellent, crispy, tasty waffles!Next time I’ll try to make them with the WW Flour as others suggested.”

  • “Excellent recipe!! My entire family loved it. I also used 6 Tblsps of butter, and 2/3 wheat (“white wheat King Aruthur flour) and 1/3 white flour. Great results.”

  • “These are very good. I used 2 tablespoons of sugar and 1 teaspoon of vanilla as another reviewer suggested and I’m glad I did. I think next time I may add a few other things just to give it that added boost of flavor, but overall a good recipe that can be altered to your preferences. Thanks so much Bergy!”

  • “This was the best waffle batter we have ever made.They came out exactly as you had described. So easy to make too!Thanks for sharing!”

  • “Bergy, these definitely were the ultimate waffles.Exactly as described by you; crisp on the outside, light on the inside.To keep them that way I put them into a preheated oven (100°C), straight on the racks, as they were cooked.I put 1 teaspoon of vanilla and added 1 Tablespoon extra of sugar (for our tastes).I’ve only had supermarket waffles once before and couldn’t make out what the fuss was about when it came to those rubbery tasting things.Now that I’ve had your ones I’ve been converted to a waffle lover.We served these with butter and maple syrup.Thanks for this lovely, easy to put together recipe.I will make these often.”

  • “Excellent! This was my second attempt with this recipe. On my first attempt… hubby loved his waffle. The waffle iron died on the second waffle. I could only take his word on how delicious it was. I got my new waffle iron yesterday. Mixed this up last night and served them up for breakast. Very good! Just what a waffle is supposed to be. Light, crisp, rich. The perfect waffle!”
