Photo Diary: Southwest Colorado
Photo Diary: Southwest Colorado
This post comes from our blog intern, Aubrie!
The environment in which you live often has a direct effect on your lifestyle choices. I always find this to be very apparent when I visit the glorious peaks of Colorado. Its residents noticeably lead such positive lives and never seem to take for granted the glorious scenery that they wake to every morning. Whether it’s hiking, kayaking, rock climbing, mountain biking, hitting the slopes, or just camping out, the majority of locals are very active within nature. As an enthusiast of this lifestyle, I have been lucky enough to visit this outdoor mecca quite often in recent years. Each time I return I am not only reminded of the astonishing beauty of my natural surroundings, but also an important notion to ground myself and live simply.
Reaching more towards the famous corners of Utah, Arizona, and New Mexico, southwest Colorado represents a more rural and rugged terrain than that of the Mile High City. On a recent trip to Durango, CO to visit my brother, I was able to completely escape to this beautiful region once again. I found myself trekking to massive mountain tops and strolling through charming ski towns. I felt I was able to reconnect with a part of myself that I sometimes lose while living in such a bustling city. After standing alone thousands of feet above everything in the midst of the golden foliage, and driving on roads winding along the sides of rocky cliffs, I was left with a profound feeling at the end of the weekend: the feeling of freedom.
What trips have you taken that make you feel free?
More inspiration from the BLDG 25 blog.
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