Pizza wraps

Pizza wraps

  • Prep Time: 3 mins
  • Total Time: 13 mins
  • Servings: 1-8
  • About This Recipe

    “This recipe is a fast, fun twist on pizza. These taste great reheated, so make as many as you can fit on a cookie sheet and refrigerate the leftovers.”


  • spaghetti orpizza sauce
  • shredded cheese
  • pepperoni
  • canned mushroom
  • tortilla
  • Directions

  • Spoon sauce onto a tortilla.
  • Add cheese and toppings.
  • Fold like a burrito.
  • Place on cookie sheet.
  • Repeat steps to make as many wraps as you’d like.
  • Sprinkle cheese on top.
  • Bake at 350F for 10-15 minutes or until hot inside.
  • Reviews

  • “This was so easy to let the girls make by themselves!They had a blast!No messing around with dough, I loved it!Prep time was longer only because I chopped onions, olives and grated the cheese.We will have this again with the next birthday party sleep over.”

  • “We’ve been making these since 1988 when a friend made them for a quick lunch. Also, try with your favorite barbecue sauce (don’t use TOO much) and some sharp cheddar cheese and sliced onions. Yum. We just love these, been making them forever. Oh, also, we just microwave ours. Its even quicker that way — a two minute meal! Spread your toppings, lay it flat on a plate or paper towel, then NUKE it until the cheese melts. Time will vary depending on your microwave oven, amount of cheese & toppings, temperature of toppings. Carefully fold or roll up & serve. Oh, and the likelihood of spilling the sauce on your shirt while you eat this is directly proportional to the price of said shirt.”

  • “Easy, fun and quick to make.I did everything but the mushrooms on the wraps (my boys don’t care for mushrooms) and they were great.I only left them in the oven for 8 minutes so in 15 minutes flat, we were eating.I know I will make these a lot.Thanks for posting!”

  • “Great, simple, and a hit with my 18-month old. Done in less the 5 minutes since we just warmed up everything in the microwave for less then 30 seconds – essential if you have a toddler without patience. We are definitely going to make this again, especially since almost any meat and veggie can be added”

  • “I’ve been making these forever. The kids love them. I don’t fold ours burrito-style, though, just leave them flat. Makes a super thin crust “pizza”. AND the kids have a ball making their own.”

  • “It is a easy, fun, fast way to make a pizza.It’s not messy either and it taste really good.Yum Yum!!!”

  • “I don’t know why I never thought of this before but the kids LOVED it! They are more of these than they do regular pizza.”

  • “The kids loved these! The adults thought they were pretty good as well. We didn’t dip them in pizza sauce either as we thought they had plenty of taste. These worked perfectly for our grab and go dinners during our very busy baseball season!”

  • “Ummmm loved this! Not sure how you got it to stay in burrito form I just folded mine half, made them twice now, I make a whole bunch and freeze them.”

  • “Most enjoyed by my almost 5 year old grandbabe.The one who prides himself on surviving off air.”

  • “The kids’ loved this!!! They want them all the time now!”

  • “I love pizza, but I guess not in a tortilla.The texture of this was all wrong and I only made it half way through before throwing it away.”

  • “Made them yesterday for me after work and i really loved them.They are very easy to make, instead of mushrooms i used black olives.Will make them again!!Thanks beekm”

  • “We loved these!They are so simple, easy and quick to make. I sort of spread the sauce over most of the tortilla, leaving the edges clean.But then I put the pepperoni, sliced mushrooms, sliced onion and bell pepper sort of down the middle of the tortilla — then topped it with cheese.Once they were rolled up and on my baking pan, I sprayed them with some butter flavored Pam and then sprinkled with grated Parmesan.The spray really holds the cheese in place.I did find that I baked them a bit longer — more like 20 minutes.They were delish!!!”

  • “Thought it was “ok” – nothing special. I would use mixed “3 cheese” instead of just the cheddar I had on hand. I would use a flat bread pita next time as the wraps were a bit hard to wrap once baked. I’m a thick-crust type of person. Would mix up the toppings a lot more than the recipe says.”

  • “Great to make with the kids.We enjoyed these a lot, it was simple, quick and the kids loved it.Now, we just have to figure out a good way to mark each one so we don’t loose track of “mine”.I’ll keep these ingredients on hand!”

  • “I followed the recipe exactly, it was very good and so easy.Mine tortillas browned and crisped a little and I like it.This is a good basic recipe to change to the topping you like on your pizza.I think the next time I will add green pepper because it is one of the ingredients that I usually get on my pizza.Thanks for a great recipe :)”

  • “Thanks, gave me inspiration using my favorite pizza recipe.VWR”

  • “It was tasty but a little too greasy. It is a great alternative to pizza pops and very easy to make.Update: Made it again and it was a lot less greasy. I think it had something to do with the cheese. I have changed the stars from 4 to 5.Thanks for the recipe :)”
