Rethink Your Holiday Tree

Real? Artifical? Potted? None? Considering the option that works best for you and your family…

When you stand among them, you feel energized by their presence. Without any words, they captivate your attention, delicately dancing to the rhythm of the season, welcoming you with open arms. When our minds feel heavy, we find comfort from our friends in the woods. Trees have a purifying energy, felt especially when basking in gratitude of their existence. We share a beautifully synergistic relationship, but we sometimes forget to show them the respect that they deserve…

Approximately 33,000,000 real Christmas trees are sold in the United States each year, while fake Christmas trees account for about 9,500,000. For many, they are a fundamental part of the holiday, evoking joy between the decorating and admiring of glowing lights on a cold, snowy night.

If you have the option to choose, I would advise against buying artificial trees. Their plastic bases are non-biodegradable, and the toxins contained within those plastics can leach out into the ground for hundreds of years. Real trees, on the other hand, are renewable. So if you do decide to cut down a tree for Christmas, it’s what you do with it after that counts. There are many uses for your tree after you’re done using it, so hold yourself accountable this year to reduce waste, and recycle. Visit the National Christmas Tree Association to learn about how you can recycle in your community!  

But the best option of all is to buy a potted Christmas tree this year!  The only caveat? A little more TLC. Instead of buying just any potted tree, go to your local nursery to learn about caring for a tree that’s suitable for your climate. Because of the likelihood of disturbing your tree’s natural dormancy period, careful not to keep the potted tree inside for long (no more than a few days). The day after Christmas, bring your tree outside without removing it from the pot. Come spring, you can then plant it once soil conditions are more favorable. If you have the yard space, and the willingness to care for the tree properly, you can enjoy the holidays with a vibrant energy in your house, while feeling great about doing something positive for the environment. However you choose to spend your holidays this year, real tree or artificial, Menorah or Kinara, I hope it’s filled with gratitude, love and bright intentions for the new year!

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Statistic Brain
National Christmas Tree Association
Brooklyn Botanic Garden Blog

Rethink Your Holiday Tree Rethink Your Holiday Tree Rethink Your Holiday Tree Rethink Your Holiday Tree Rethink Your Holiday Tree

Rethink Your Holiday Tree
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