Rhubarb Vodka
About This Recipe
“Rhubarb vodka gives an edge to the vodka that you just can’t buy in the shops.”
“Couldn’t believe this recipe but we had a glut of rhubarb and I wanted to try something different.Outstanding!!I’ll be making it every year.Incidentally, I used regular sugar.”
“Yum!! I am going to use this process for all of my flavored vodkas!”
“I made this last year using a premium vodka and saved it for Christmas meal.What a wonderful treat!
This year I’m making loads of it to give away and I’m going to toss a vanilla pod in.
I’ll keep you posted on how that turns out.”
“FABulous stuff. ‘Nuff said. 😉 Thank you for a great recipe!”
“This is fantastic! Thank you. We will be making this every year from now on. “