Ring. Wire Name Ring. Wire Initial Ring. Wire Word Ring. Personalized Ring. Wire Name Jewelry. Adjustable by wiremajigs

8,00 USD

Wire name/ word/ preliminary ring including my handcrafted wire writing. This is a comfy, lightweight, unique – & enjoyable – ring. It is versatile and needs to be managed with some care. It is made to fit you but is still adjustable. Rings are made with a permanent color, taint resistant, copper base craft wire. The silver color is nickel totally free. All sizes are adjustable!

Wonderful bridesmaid presents and celebration favors.

TO ORDER GIVE– Call/ Letter– in & quot; & quot; message to seller & quot;:
… … … …… Four (4) letters max. Can do a couple more letters but they might be a little on the side of the ring.
… … … …… FYI – If all caps up to 3 letters fit finest … and … lowcase m & w are broad & take as much space as a capital letter
… … … …… If you want all lowercase kindly state so in your message.
… … …… … I can likewise make & quot; & quot; ♥ & quot; and && quot; quot; & & quot; indicators … counts as one letter
… … … … … For smaller fingers – size 4 or less – I can fit approximately 3 letters on front

(does not consist of shipping time)

Thank you a lot!

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