Solid Organic Lanolin for woolie care – 2 ounces – wool care – soaker care – longies – shorties – wool wraps – wool covers by rebourne

7,00 USD

This listing is for 2 ounces (57 g) of solid organic lanolin. The lanolin comes in a metal tin (yay for no plastic!). This is pharmaceutical grade, organic, pure lanolin. This 100% Lanolin is manufactured from the wool of free range sheep raised in Australia.
Lanolin can be used for a number of things, but here I will highlight its importance in wool diaper covers and the most green way of cloth diapering : wool.
In order to perform to their highest potential, your wool cloth diaper covers and soakers will need to be lanolized. This should take place every 1-2 months, depending on how frequently you use your wool item, and if you’re using them overnight or during the day.
When your cover is retaining a urine odor, it is time to wash it. If you prefer to lanolize every time you wash, you can do so. I prefer to lanolize every few washings.

First, wash the item in a lanolin-rich wool wash, I suggest my Relanolizer soap found here: -for-wool-care-organic?

Then lanolize your cover.

Here are my instructions: -information /

For external use only.

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