Swarovski Bermuda Blue Cushion Rhinestone Stud,Swarovski Stud Earrings,Blue Green,Rounded Square Post,Silver,Gold,Bridesmaids,Weddings by hangingbyathread1

< img src ="https://diycraftsrecipes.com/wp-content/uploads/2016/10/il_570xN.809129542_7zas.jpg"border="0 "width=" 570 "height="429"/ > 24,00 USD< p class=" description "> A charming new color addition for my finest selling stud earrings. These are made with Swarovski rhinestones and premium settings. The stones are bermuda blue in color which is a tough specialized color to come by. They have highlights of blues, purples, greens and so far more! Each stone is hand set into premium pronged settings. Stones are 12mm from edge to edge (1/2″”) and 14mm from corner to corner. Please select desired metal finish at checkout.

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