Vanilla Fudge

Vanilla Fudge

  • Prep Time: 10 mins
  • Total Time: 40 mins
  • Servings: 24
  • About This Recipe

    “Everyone says this one is a winner. Creamy, smooth and lots of vanilla flavor.”


  • 2cupssugar
  • 2/3 cupevaporated milk
  • 1/3 cupmilk
  • 1/8 teaspoonsalt
  • 1/4 cupbutter
  • 1tablespoonvanilla
  • walnut pieces(optional)
  • Directions

  • Butter sides of heavy 2 quart saucepan.
  • In saucepan combine sugar, milks, and salt.
  • Cook and stir over med.hi. to boiling.
  • Clip on candy thermometer and cook and stir over med-low heat to 238*, soft ball stage.
  • Remove from heat, add butter and vanilla, DO NOT STIR.
  • Cool to 110F degrees.
  • Remove thermometer.
  • Beat with wooden spoon till fudge becomes thick and starts to lose it’s gloss.
  • Pour into a buttered 8 inch pan.
  • Score into squares.
  • If desired top each square with with a piece of nut.
  • Reviews

  • “Mizz Nezz, this is truly da BOMB!! As said before, make ABSOLUTELY CERTAIN to bring it to 238 degrees, and do this very slowly. When you make fudge, patience is your friend. Have the butter and vanilla all ready to go in as soon as it comes off the heat. This step is called “seeding” the fudge. Don’t mix those two things in. Just add them to your pan. Then let it sit completely undisturbed (and uncovered) until it reaches 110 degrees. This takes about an hour or so, depending on your room temperature. Have your final square pan all ready before you start beating the mixture. Then, I simply used my mixer to beat the cooked mixture until it started to get thick. Poured it into the square pan- I just lined the pan with overhanging foil, so that later all I had to do was lift the foil, reverse the fudge onto a cutting board, then peel away the foil – and it set up like a dream. Creamy as can be. I also made a lovely Christmas Candy Cane version, by using 1-1/2 tsp peppermint extract and 1/2 tsp vanilla. Then, I put red color on the top and swirled it quickly with a toothpick. Finally topped with 3 crushed candy canes. It was a huge hit, and has been specifically requested again this year. Taking the above measures, your fudge will have the perfect texture every time. Thank you, Miss Nezz!
    A note for those whose fudge never set properly, this is caused by not cooking the mixture to 238. If you’re absolutely certain your thermometer read 238 degrees, then verify that it’s properly calibrated. Put it in a pan of water and heat the water. When it comes to a boil, your thermometer must read 212 degrees. If not, then pitch it and buy another. There is no other reason for soupy fudge. Grainy fudge can be caused by too much humidity (or by getting even a drop of water into the cooked mixture as it cools,) which is why it’s always recommended that you make fudge on dry days. Those are the two most common mistakes made by would-be fudge makers.”

  • “I read the reviews and thought I might have found a recipe that I wanted to keep, but boy was I wrong!!! I’ve made many types of fudge over the years, and haven’t found a “keeper” for vanilla fudge and this definately isn’t a keeper! It’s outcome was grainy and the vanilla tast was too strong! I definately wouldn’t waste my time or money on this recipe!”

  • “I screwed up the recipe but it still came out good– namely I made a mistake with the butter, I melted all of it first then added everything else heh. I agree with Yellow Lab Lover about the vanilla, it was a bit overpowering for my taste. Next time I’ll halve the vanilla, and maybe the butter too. I just melted everything together then let it simmer on low heat til it thickened, poured it in the pie pan, and let it refridgerate overnight. (Cuz I am way too lazy to do all those steps, and did it without a candy thermometer I just used my instinct on the heat levels.) When I woke up, there was some awesome creamy fudge. :D”

  • “I have to give this recipe 5 stars because even when i thought it was ruined last night as everything seized on me in the bowl, i put the blob in my pan, pressed it out with my hands covered it with plastic and this morning i have a super creamy rich fudge.The vanilla was a little over powering but that’s a personal preference. i didn’t add the nuts, will do next time.”

  • “It has a wonderful taste, but I’m not waiting so long to stir it next time as it hardend so much I had to reheat it and I followed the directions exactly. But its definently a keeper!”

  • “BEST. FUDGE. EVER! I followed the recipe exactly… I stirred the whole time and made sure that all steps were completed (especially temperatures!!)… Also, I used baker’s sugar. During the stirring phase before setting, I added my walnuts. The recipe came out better than expected and this was my first time ever making fudge. The constant stirring during heating was somewhat tedious but it was WELL worth it! I’ll definitely be making this for gifts! xo>br/

  • “i am NEVER making this fudge again, it barely made 4 pieces it burnt and stuck to everything, it is NO WHERE near creamy, it looks orange and like barf and burnt….. i didnt like this AT ALL.”

  • “The consistency was terrible!Hard as a rock and grainy to boot.The vanilla flavor is very strong, but I like that, which is why I gave it 2 stars instead of one.Definitely will not make this one again though, I like my fudges soft.”

  • “This came out like caramel consistancy…very disappointed in it.”

  • “I tried this twice, and both times it set to the wrong consistency. :(“

  • “Sorry to be the only one who gives this less then 5 stars.. But it was terrible! My husband, who eats anything, didn’t even like it. Way too much vanilla flavoring for us. I was looking for a recipe similar to the See’s vanilla fudge I love..and this just wasn’t it. I will keep looking, thanks”

  • “Excellent!Third attempt at fudge, and this is the first one that set!Even as pouring from the pan…I used condensed milk and added a 1/2cup more regular milk instead of the evaporated in the recipe.It seems fine though I’m waiting for it to cool impatiently!might be a little too close to tablet which would be the excessive beating I think…Thank you for a recipe that works!”

  • “Excellent fudge. Had to make a few batches before I could make a consistent product. Don’t let it cllo below 110 degrees before mixing.”

  • “I made this for Christmas and gave to my friends.Very easy to do even if you don’t have a Thermometer.I beat this in the saucepan with an electric hand whisk until it became thick and lost it’s gloss.This took the hard work out of it.I made double amount and put it into foil container to set as it’s easier to remover once set. Much betterthan purchased Fudge. Thank you MizzNezz”

  • “This fudge is awesome, smooth and creamy.I followed the directions to the tee right down to the “beat with a wooden spoon” part. That didn’t go so well so I turned to my electric mixer and beat it on very low speed till it lost it’s sheen. A wonderful recipe MizzNezz. Thanks!”

  • “I have been looking intensely for a smooth fudge recipe. This is wonderful! I undercooked it a little bit because the mixture does turn brown by the time it reaches soft ball stage. Undercooking it made it too soft. I have been looking for a recipe for a smooth maple fudge, but haven’t found one. I substituted pure maple syrup for the vanilla in this recipe and I was very happy with the flavor! Thank you MizzNezz!!”

  • “Yummy delicious fudge!I made some with walnuts and some without.I’d never made fudge before and it turned out perfect!”

  • “This makes awesome fudge! Advice for others, if your stove is gas (mine is LP gas) have your heat set a little lower than the recipe calls for. Very important not to stir or touch the fudge while it cools to 110. Thanks MizzNezz for the perfect fudge recipe.”

  • “Even though I touched the fudge when I shouldn’t and created a slightly grainy texture, the raves over this fudge still poured in…I was asked to make it again for next year’s Christmas Eve festivities. The silky taste and texture were such a hit, especially with people like me who do not care for chocolate fudge.The richness of this deep vanilla flavor reminds me of the Mexican leche candies of my South Texas childhood, but that may be because I only use Mexican vanilla in my cooking because of its stronger flavor. Thank you, MizzNezz for posting the exact candy recipe I needed this Christmas.”
