Weekend Do: Start A Photo Wall

Weekend Do: Start A Photo Wall

This summer, I finally became the owner of one of those little Fujifilm instax mini cameras, and I may have gone a little “snap happy”. 

There’s nothing quite like having a picture appear the second after you take it. Frame the shot, press the button, and boom…a captured moment in time is now in the palm of your hand. Having any sort of Polaroid camera is a fun addition to a collection, and I love that it gives you the ability to possess an actual picture. Today, it seems like all of the photos I look at only exist digitally. They live on Instagram, Facebook, blogs…the idea of having a photo album to physically hold and flip through almost seems ancient. I’ve been shooting a lot more on my film camera recently, and getting the film developed and printed is a refreshing change.  The box where I was storing all my mini Polaroids and 4×6 prints finally filled up, so it was time to do something with all those photos.

I remembered back to the photo wall that my best friends and I made in college. We always took disposable cameras out with us, and over the course of a year, we had filled up an entire wall with 4×6 photos. Not only did it look awesome, but I always found myself staring at the wall, weaving my gaze from photo to photo, remembering all of the times we had captured. Without a doubt, that wall always brought with it a smile or a laugh.

I still love with one of those same gals from college now, but in a completely different place and time, and with a bunch of new friends surrounding us. We started building a photo wall in our living room this week, and it’s been so fun to piece together all of the pictures, and add in little things for company.

With photo walls, there is no right or wrong way to start. Gather your photos, a few trinkets…maybe some plants… and have at it!

We used push pins, nails, and tack to secure everything to the wall.

Adding in postcards and film strip negatives can help fill up space and add in color. Trying to figure out where everything should go is like a puzzle…but a fun one.

As the photo wall grows, incorporating shelves is the next venture. I like that the mixed media adds character and dimension to the wall rather than just filling the entirety with photos. (Either way looks cool though!)

If you’re looking for something to do this weekend, try starting a photo wall. It will tell 100 + stories, open up a window to your life, and add a little something special to any room.

Have fun!

More decor inspiration from the BLDG 25 Blog. 

Follow FP Jana on Twitter.

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Weekend Do: Start A Photo Wall Weekend Do: Start A Photo Wall Weekend Do: Start A Photo Wall Weekend Do: Start A Photo Wall Weekend Do: Start A Photo Wall

Weekend Do: Start A Photo Wall
Free People Blog