18 healthy recipes Vegetables dairy free ideas

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How to get enough Calcium on a Plant-Based Diet

We’ve all been told that milk makes strong bones and it’s how we can get enough calcium. But is it true? Turns out there are many vegan calcium sources and many vegetables are high in calcium vs. milk. There are many benefits of a dairy free diet and strong bones & teeth may be one of them. Learn the calcium rich foods that are great for kids, for women, for toddlers, for breastfeeding and meals & recipes like a healthy smoothie. #calcium #vegancalcium #plantbasedcalcium #wfpb #wholefoodplantb I get this question often about people worrying that they won’t get enough calcium from a plant-based diet. Mostly they have been marketed to, like most of us have, to believe that they have to drink milk or consume lots of dairy products to get enough calcium. Nothing could be further from the truth. Actually, when you look at the WHOLE picture you find something a little more interesting about dairy and strong bones. Does cow’s milk make strong bones? First of all, you need to know that dairy is an animal product and that all animal products are acidic