BBQ Brats ‘n Beer

BBQ Brats ‘n Beer

  • Prep Time: 10 mins
  • Total Time: 35 mins
  • Serves: 6,Yield: 6sausages
  • About This Recipe

    “I made this recipe last night for the first time and they are good! This is great if you are having a gang in and want a “do it yourself” style dinner (whatever) have baked beans on the side.”


  • 6bratwursts
  • 1 (12ounce) cans lager beer
  • 1mediumonion, chopped
  • 10whole black peppercorns
  • 4whole cloves
  • 3garlic cloves(optional)
  • 6Italian bread
  • sweet dark mustard( or your choice)
  • pickled hot peppers( or other relish or chutney)
  • Directions

  • Put the brats, onions, peppercorns, cloves, garlic in a saucepan, pour in the beer.
  • Bring to a boil and simmer the brats 15 minutes.
  • Drain (you can do this early in the day and then just have the BBQ step to do before serving).
  • BBQ the brats about 10 minutes.
  • Spray with water while BBQing to form a crisp skin.
  • Serve on the roll with mustard and hot peppers or other relish or serve them as your meat for dinner.
  • Reviews

  • “We have made this recipe over and over.It is our favorite “brat” recipe.Followed your instructions exactly.Delicious meal on the grill.”

  • “Enjoyed the flavor that the spices gave the brats after they simmered.This is the first time I’d BBQ my brats after cooking them and it will not be the last.Served the sauce along side the brats after taking out the cloves and peppercorns.This was my brat festival weekend.I fixed two other different recipes besides Bergy’s, mine #22939 and secret’s # 18213.”

  • “FANTASTIC!!!I made these brats on Friday afternoon for our tailgate Saturday afternoon.I prepared them just like the recipe says, then they sat in the mixture for almost 24 hours before we actually grilled them on Saturday.They were SO good, and I can’t wait to make them again!”

  • “Great recipe, Bergy! I did leave out the cloves and garlic.The flavor added from the beer and onion is outstanding and the brats aren’t greasy, something I really dislike. DH raved over these and said to tell you this is the ONLY way we will be cooking brats from now on!Thanks for the recipe, it’s a new family favorite!”

  • “great recipe for brats! i have to be honest and admit that i am not a huge brat fan but i made this for my dh and ended up loving them. this way is the best way for getting juicy and flavorful brats instead of the half raw, half charred brats like i am used to lol. i did leave out the cloves but we didn’t taste a difference. thanks for the recipe.”

  • “i made this for a bbq and they were the best brats i ever had! so flavorful and delicious, i ate 2!i used the pretzel hotdog bun which was outstanding.i used pabst blue ribbon beer.i carmelized the onions from the brats with butter, olive oil and brown sugar.yummy!”

  • “I add some bbq sauce (sweet baby rays) when i boil them, so good!! oh and, I didn’t have any cloves. all in all – this is an excellent brat recipe! yum!!”

  • “Great recipe! Very simple and an easy detour from just boiling with water or throwing right on the grill. An understated recipe that’s made with everything on hand.”

  • “These were great, and so easy!I omitted the cloves, but followed everything else exactly.The brats were tender and flavorful.Thanks for sharing.”

  • “Bergy, I made these on Memorial day and we have more brats so I’ll be making them again tonight!So easy and so flavorful!I have never been a fan of brats before but I’m now a convert!Thanks for the easy recipe!”

  • “Very good.I made these for supper one night last week.So good.I loved the flavor the brats took on from boiling in beer with the cloves and peppercorns.Great idea.I will make these again, I’m thinking of bringing these to our family reunion, just not sure if I can afford to bring as many as I’ll need, cuz I know everyone will want one when they smell them cooking.We toopped ours with a spicy brown mustard and banana peppers….yummy.Thank you for sharing your recipe.”

  • “Awesome recipe! I sliced the onions instead of dicing, then after removing the brats, I brought the beer/onion mixture to a high boil to reduce the liquid. I ended up with some beautifully caramelized onions to top the brats with.”

  • “These are GREAT!Had a really nice hearty meal on our last night of vacay and these sure fit the bill.Served with homemade mac n cheese and a green salad and the brats, which I served bunless, were the highlight of the meal.I will use this as my go to brats recipe from now on, tx bergy!”

  • “My first time making or eating brats and I was thrilled they came out so delicious! I followed recipe exactly including a careful simmer. Served them on their own w/ a side of spicy mustard and w/ Recipe #11923, Recipe #41419, and Recipe #89788 for a wonderful German meal. Thank you for a great recipe, Bergy!!!”

  • “We have been making this for a couple of years now and just realized I never reviewed it.Bergy these are AWESOME.The cloves add a touch of sweetness that shouldn’t be missed and the aroma while it is simmering is incredible!!I start mine in the morning and after simmering, placed the brats with the beer/onion mixture to chill in the refrigerator all day. I remove the brats from the mixture 30 minutes before grilling (to take the chill off).We grill the brats and sautee the onions in a small skillet on the grill (I do add fresh cut onions to this sautee mixture).This is THE ULTIMATE way to cook brats.Thanks for a truly great recipe!”

  • “Great Brats! I used 10 brats, 2 cans beer and sliced the tops off green onions, threw them in the pot. Forgot the cloves at the grocery store and didnt have any at home so next time will add them. The smell of the brats while simmering is awesome and they are so tasty, not greasy at all. Bergy, you made DH very happy with this recipe…havent heard a peep out of him!UPDATE: Made these for my familys Memorial Day get together and everyone loved them! Doubled the recipe and added one small unpeeled onion. Bergy thanks again for a wonderful recipe!”

  • “I had always boiled my bratwurst in beer and onions, but the spices and garlic took it to another level.I will make them this way from now on!Thanks, Bergy!”

  • “I really don’t like brats but hubby does and they are dead easy to cook so he gets them when he goes shopping.This recipe is super and will be made many times – it gives the brats flavour and is soooo easy.I can’t eat too much bread so I served it with mashed potato, spinach and red cabbage with apples.Yummy!”

  • “Made July 4, 2007. Sliced the onion into rings & used to top the brats after grilling.Spraying with water while Bbqing was a nice touch. Good Stuff!!!!!”

  • “Brats turned out great – juicy and flavorful.Only watch-out is to make sure after boiling in beer to keep the simmer low – otherwise the brats split, losing much of their juice (similarly, need to BBQ on low-to-medium to avoid splitting).”
