Butternut Squash Bake

Butternut Squash Bake

  • Prep Time: 50 mins
  • Total Time: 1 hrs 40 mins
  • Servings: 7
  • About This Recipe

    “This is a way I can sneak vitamin A into my families diet. My kids love this squash.”


  • 1/3 cup butter or 1/3 cupmargarine, softened
  • 3/4 cupsugar
  • 2eggs
  • 1 (5ounce) cans evaporated milk
  • 1teaspoonvanilla extract
  • 2cupsmashed cooked butternut squash

  • 1/2 cupRice Krispies
  • 1/4 cupchopped pecans
  • 2tablespoons butter or 2tablespoonsmargarine, melted
  • 1/4 cupbrown sugar(optional)
  • Directions

  • Bake the squash until a fork can easily be inserted.
  • Scoop out squash flesh and discard seeds.
  • Mash squash flesh and measure out 2 cups.
  • The squash flesh will be rather runny.
  • In another bowl cream butter and sugar and add the 2 eggs, 5 oz evaporated milk, and vanilla.
  • Add the 2 cups of squash.
  • Pour into a 11 x 7 inch baking pan.
  • Bake uncovered for 45 minutes at 350.
  • Combine topping ingredients and sprinkle on and bake another 5 minutes.
  • Reviews

  • “I made this the night before and cooked it the next day.The rice crispies and nuts really put this over the top.It was different and good.I may mix different types of squash next time and I’ll bet it will be just as good as this!!”

  • “Absolutely SCRUMPTIOUS!!!Even my husband, son, and father who “don’t eat squash” tried it and liked it.I used egg-beaters and fat-free evaporated milk.I didn’t have Rice Krispies, so went hunting through my cabinet to find something suitable and came up with (are you ready for this?) Cinnamon Toast Crunch!Delicious.I could eat this for dessert.I’ll be using this recipe yhe next time I’m asked to bring a vege dish to a pot-luck.”

  • “Okay – here’s the honest truth. I have NEVER made squash for my family – it just seemed too….well…..too boring! My kids are picky when it comes to veggies (they are 5 yrs, 3 yrs old, and 7 mo’s old). I was getting tired of the same old veggies all the time, so decided to try – squash! After browsing the recipes, I decided to try this one…WOW – We were NOT disappointed! My 3 yr old ate ALL his veggies, my 5 yr old ate most, and the 7 mo. old kept begging for more (naturally, we were not giving her the topping part, as it has nuts.) I myself LOVED it – and my DH’s comment was, “I don’t think I’ve EVER eaten squash in my life. THIS recipe’s a KEEPER!” (after his 2nd helping of it!)THANKS FOR SHARING! “

  • “Made this for Christmas dinner.EVERYONE at the table requested the recipe.I doubled the topping just because I like extra!I was a little more work than I expected but well worth it!I have a feeling it will be a regular dish at our holiday meals from now on. “

  • “This was a great recipe.My whole family loved it.My husband who doesn’t eat vegitables was eating this later for something sweet.It was like a desert.Very very Good.”

  • “My whole family loved this!! Including my picky 22 month old daughter. It comes out so much better than I expected ..the topping is perfect!”

  • “We had this today for thanksgiving.A great creamy and sweet flavor.The topping was excellent.I doubled this and cooked it for a 1/2 hour longer.We will definately have this again, thanks for sharing!”

  • “This was delicious!I used Jumbo Whole Grain Rice Krispies, which are naturally sweeter than the original kind, so I did not add any sugar to the topping, and it was perfect.So yummy!Thanks for the recipe!”

  • “This is really good.I only used 1/4 cup brown sugar in the squash.Wish I had put the topping on sooner as it would fall off your fork when eating it.A great alternative to a sweet potato dish.”

  • “Yummy stuff.Nice flavor that, yes, even the kids liked.”

  • “I use this same recipe that I got from my aunt who got it from a church cookbook several years back. This is just so delicious. People who don’t even like squash don’t even know it is squash.”

  • “I’m just catching up on my reviews and have to tell you, this squash is to die for!I loved the topping and it was a shining star at our table for Thanksgiving!I will be making this each and every holiday from now on because everyone commented how wonderful it was.I guess you know it was loved! Thank you!”

  • “Delicious. It fools people because they all think it is sweet potatoes. 🙂 I used acorn squash because that is what I had. I also reduced the sugar to 1/4. I didn’t have evaporated milk. So I used 4 oz of regular milk. I skipped the pecans in the topping because some guests were allergic. Excellent recipe. Thank you for sharing it.”

  • “This is delicious. My husband was not a big fan of butternut squash, but this recipe changed that. I raised butternut squash in my compost pile this summer and we had a bunch of them. Not many left now.Thanks for a really delicious recipe.”

  • “This recipe was a hit at my Thanksgiving dinner! I had some acorn squash and butternut so used both of those. I used about four cups squash total and the consistancy was perfect.”

  • “I have made this several times and each time it has been great!My MIL loved it for Thanksgiving.She said she usually doesn’t like squash but this she loved.I used about half a butternut squash for the two cups.Will freeze the other half for Christmas.”

  • “Amazing!! I made this as a dessert..used all brown sugar and added walnuts along with the pecans in the topping. It was delicious and even though I doubled the recipe the pan was empty at the end of the dinner party! All of my inlaws have requested that I bring this to the up comming holiday dinners. :)”

  • “This was SO good.I wish I could give it more than 5 stars.It’s really THAT GOOD!! :D”

  • “This is the only way I can get my DH and youngest son to eat squash.We LOVE this recipe.I usually make it exactly as written, subbing only the rice krispies for the nuts (though sometimes I use pine nuts).”

  • “This is so sweet and rich that I can only eat it in small portions and I haven’t been able to convince the rest of my family they should like it. It’s good, but sweet enough for dessert.”

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    Butternut Squash Bake