Chicken Breasts With Cheese Sauce

Chicken Breasts With Cheese Sauce

  • Prep Time: 15 mins
  • Total Time: 45 mins
  • Servings: 4
  • About This Recipe

    “This is one of my son-in-law’s favourite chicken recipes. This recipe can also be made ‘lighter’ for those on a low fat diet by using a low fat cheese and trim/light milk and frying in a non stick pan which has been lightly sprayed with cooking spray/oil”


  • 4skinless chicken breasts
  • 2egg whites
  • 1/2 cupplain flour
  • 1/4 cupdry breadcrumbs
  • canola oil( for frying)
  • 8teaspoons butter or 8teaspoonsmargarine
  • 4teaspoonsplain flour
  • 1cupmilk
  • 1/2 cup cheddar cheese or 1/2 cupedam cheese, grated
  • chopped parsley (for garnish) orchopped paprika( for garnish)
  • Directions

  • Combine the breadcrumbs and flour.
  • Lightly beat the egg whites with 8 teasp water.
  • Dip chicken in the egg white mix and then coat with the breadcrumb mix.
  • Heat a little oil in frying pan and brown chicken for about 5mins each side.
  • Place chicken in an oven proof dish and place in oven at 180.
  • C Bake for approx 15mins or until cooked through.
  • While chicken is in oven make sauce.
  • In a small saucepan melt butter and add flour.
  • Cook 1min.
  • over med heat.
  • Add milk and stir constantly until boiling.
  • Turn to low heat and simmer for 2mins still stirring.
  • Remove from heat and stir in 1/4cup cheese.
  • Place a chicken breast on each of 4 plates and pour over sauce.
  • Sprinkle with remaining cheese.
  • Garnish with parsley or paprika.
  • Reviews

  • “I was looking for a cheese sauce with out Velveeta, a person in my house is not fond of it. As I was making the cheese recipe I added 8 tablespoons of butter in stead of teaspoons. So I thought well, just add 4 table spoons of flour (I used rice flour because we can not have gluten) I ended up adding almost 5 table spoons to make it thinker. then I added 2 cups of milk to see what would happen, I ended up needing about 2 and a half. and then with the cheese I added a cup and a half. Along with pepper, salt, and garlic. Wow what a wonderful tasting cheese sauce. From there I thought well I have enough to have cheese sauce for our veggies tonight and for a broccoli/cauliflower soup. So i separated what I needed for tonight and added about 2-3 cups of chicken stock I happened to be bowling, broccoli and cauliflower. Boy that is the best soup I have ever had. thanks for posting this wonderful cheese sauce!”

  • “We loved this, especially my DS who is kind of fussy about what he will eat!I used cheddar cheese for ours.I did the lower fat version using PAM cooking spray to cook the chicken, and used wheat flour, I can’t believe it’s not butter for the butter, and ff half and half for the milk and ff cheddar cheese.Still very good with these substitutions! I made extra sauce to have over whole wheat pasta.Very much enjoyed!”

  • “I made this recipe last sunday and it was very good pretty easy to prepare with great results. I am always looking for new chicken recipes and this was a great way to add a lot of flavor to a regular chicken breast. Thanks!”

  • “Excellent, esp. for the last hour before supper!”

  • “This was a lovely, simple meal that my whole family enjoyed. I made a little more cheese sauce than the recipe makes and poured some over the vegies as we all love cheese here. ;o)Thanks for sharing this great idea.”

  • “These were really tasty and got rave reviews from the whole family.Granparents, picky husband and kids alike.It was a nice change from the regular breaded chicken I usually make.This is definatly going to be a family favorite.”

  • “We really liked this dish. Very simple and so yummy. I use this cheese sauce for my mac & cheese. I usually add more cheese though, like i did for this one. Thanks for the recipe!”

  • “This was good! It had a unique flavor and elegant presentation, plus it was easy to put together! I’ll be making this again!”

  • “My family used to make this sauce to put over cauliflower (and when I was young, I would only eat cauliflower if it had this sauce!). It was great to eat the sauce over something else. I threw in some extra spices to the breadcrumb/flour mixture (some basil and oregano). I think that helped kick flavours up a bit. Over all, enjoyable!”

  • “Very good!I used a little salt and pepper in the breading and added a pinch of cayenne and a little salt & pepper to the Béchamel/cheese sauce.This was really easy to prepare and we enjoyed it.Thanks!”

  • “this has got the same cheese sauce as my mum used to makenow added with lightly crumbed chicken breast’soh man I am in heaven.Flattyre”
