Horse and Carriage, Princess Cinderella Inspired Birthday, Baby, or Bridal Invitation – Many Customizations – You Print by EgyptianfrogDesigns

8,00 USD

This listing is for one hiqh quality JPEG and PDF file of a Birthday, Baby, or Bridal Invitation. You can have nearly any color glitter for the carriage and any color for the horse. We can alter background colors, fonts, and include a picture to customize it to your fulfills your needs. With this file you can print as lots of invitations as you ‘d like – or email it to all your guests to save cash on postage.

Throughout checkout, include the following in the message to the seller box: all phrasing, font and typeface color, other details or changes. In a convo or an e-mail to kindly send the image you wish to utilize (photo backgrounds will certainly be removed).

I will email you the very first proof of your invitation within the timeframe you selected during checkout after receiving your info and we’ll collaborate until you are fully pleased with the end product.

Thank you for looking!

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