Lemon Roasted Potatoes, Greek Style

Lemon Roasted Potatoes, Greek Style

  • Prep Time: 10 mins
  • Total Time: 1 hrs 10 mins
  • Servings: 6
  • About This Recipe

    “A different way to bake potatoes. Yassou!”


  • 4baking potatoes, peeled and quartered
  • 1lemon, juice of
  • 2tablespoonsextra virgin olive oil
  • Directions

  • Place peeled and quartered baking potatoes in a pan just big enough to hold them in one layer.
  • Place lemon juice in a one-cup measure.
  • Add enough water to make one cup liquid.
  • Pour lemon and water over potatoes.
  • Drizzle oil over potatoes.
  • Bake uncovered at 400 degrees for 45 minutes to an hour, adding more water as needed, until potatoes are golden brown and soft.
  • Salt and pepper to taste.
  • Reviews

  • “The taste of these potatoes was milder than I expected.It took a lot longer to cook than the amount indicated.After 1 1/2 hours in the oven, I popped the dish in the microwave for a few minutes to get the potatoes soft enough for our liking.My husband did not care for these at all, but my daughter enjoyed them.I would add lemon zest to punch up the lemon flavor a bit and perhaps some lemon pepper seasoning.These needed quite a bit of seasoning.A good recipe, but not for all tastes.”

  • “This was a good recipe,the only problem,was that it needed a little more lemon.I also adjusted the cooking time to 1hour 15 min.The children enjoyed them too. Annette”

  • “Excellent! This was so easy Mirj and really good. 🙂 I used an 8 inch square baking pan and 3 medium-small Russet potatoes. I cut one lengthwise in half then in thirds, then thought the pieces might be too small, so cut the other two lengthwise in half and then in half the other way to make quarters. I used the full amt of lemon juice and water. I used bottled instead of fresh (3 Tbsp). After I drizzed just under 2 Tbsp of olive oil over the potatoes, I sprinkled a bit of salt and black pepper over all. I cooked the full 45 mins and thought the potatoes needed a little longer. The cooking liquid was gone so I added another 1/4 cup of water to the bottom of the pan and added another 10 mins to the time. The potatoes had a pretty golden crust and were tender and mildly flavored with the lemon. Bf enjoyed them, also. Thanks Mirj, for a recipe I’ll make again. 🙂 I served this with Recipe #126474 and green beans.UPDATE: I was craving these so made them for breakfast and it was just me, but I peeled/quartered 2 small-medium Russets, halved the lemon juice/water, used approx the same amt of oil.Also added a bit of black pepper before roasting as above.I was craving potatoes and onions and I thought onions might be interesting.I quartered then sliced thickly and laid them in a single layer w/the potatoes, then poured the lemonwater over all.I forgot the olive oil and didn’t realize this until 38 mins were left, however the potatoes were browning.I decided to add it anyway and finished them w/another 12 mins of time so they were very tender and crispy-btown on top.Also halfway through cooking, I added another 1/4 cup of water as the original liquid was absorbed.There was a Tbsp of cooking liquid left in the bottom of the pan, which I decided to just drizzle over the potatoes as it was infused with lemon, onion, black pepper, and olive oil.I can’t say how authentically greek-style adding onions is, but I thought it was a nice addition.The onions got cooked tenderly, but also browned a tiny bit.They will shrink too as they cook.Yummy breakfast, Mirj.Yeah, I’m silly, I eat side dishes for breakfast. :)”

  • “I thought this was delicious! I added 1 minced garlic clove and a little salt before baking in the oven.”

  • “This is a very forgiving recipe, and tasty. I made them as an afterthought and didn’t bother checking my pantry I ALWAYS have potatoes, lemons and olive oil right? Mu russet potatoes were rotten and rank (honestly I don’t live in a pigstye they were on sale for a reason apparently) I used some Yukon gold instead. I ended up only having half of an old lemon in the fridge….I actually don’t remember using the other half*blush* but used it anyway. I went on and made as directed they turned out great and will definitely make them when better
    Repaired. I thing they would be even better with the russets texture wise. thanks.”

  • “We really liked these.Since we were grilling dinner, I put the potatoes in a foil pan and put it on the grill.I’d tell you how long it was out there, but I didn’t pay attention.I figured they were done when they were brown.:-)I did sprinkle them with some lemon pepper before grilling.I served this with Recipe #207440.”

  • “This is a great recipe! I just realized that I had not given a review! Easy and it is a great main dish for someone who cannot eat meat(renal friendly)These potatoes have a rich satisfying taste. Everyone sprinkles the pepper on after serving.Lemon pepper can be used in cooking also.Thanks!”

  • “Excellent. Very easy recipe with great results.We added a lot of pepper which is terific with the lemony flavor.”

  • “Wonderful potatoes – Just the right amount of lemon flavor and crispy brown on top, mellow inside.I used small new peeled potatoes and had them in the oven for exactly 45 minutes.Thanks Mirj for another lovely recipe23 Nov 08Made them again and ehjoyed them again!”

  • “So good!Had with Lemon Chicken!”

  • “A delicious and simple way to prepare potatoes.The potatoes were nicely flavored and the lemon juice/water helped them to stay moist.Something I will repeat.”
