Sweet Pickled Banana Peppers

Sweet Pickled Banana Peppers

  • Prep Time: 25 mins
  • Total Time: 35 mins
  • Yield: 2.5pint jars
  • About This Recipe

    “I love these peppers on hot dogs, hamburgers or what ever. They are so easy to make. You can double the recipe with no problem. I have never water bathed these pickles the jars have always sealed securely and I have used them a year or so later, Just be sure that the top has sealed and you have heard it POP. If the jar does not seal fully store in the fridge and use within a couple of months. As you can see from the picture, I often mix hot Jalapeno, Anaheim, Banana and any other peppers on hand – the result ismedium hot pickled peppers.If you are at all concerned about food safety and would feel better water-bathing them, by all means do so -Just follow the instructions is any canning book – I recommend 15 minutes in the water-bath.”


  • 1/2 lbbanana pepper, seeded and sliced crossways into rings
  • Pickling Juice

  • 2cupswhite vinegar
  • 2/3 cupwhite sugar
  • 1/2 teaspoonmustard seeds
  • 1/2 teaspooncelery seed
  • Directions

  • Sterilize 2- 1/2 pint jars.
  • Bring the vinegar, sugar, mustard seed and celery seed to a rolling boil.
  • Place peppers in the 1/2 pint jars.
  • Pour on the hot pickling juice and bring liquid to within 1/2″ of the top.
  • Be sure the edge of the jar has no juice on it.
  • Place lids and screw on bands finger-tip tight.
  • Seal jar and leave for 2 weeks.**.
  • **This is an heirloom recipe that uses a method no longer recommended by the USDA/NCHFP (National Center for Home Food Preservation). Current guidelines recommend processing in a boiling water bath at least 10 minutes at sea level to 1000 feet in elevation (more time at higher elevations) and left to cool, upright and undisturbed, on a cloth-protected counter for 24 hours. Check for seal; if the jar hasn’t sealed, either re-process the jars within the 24 hours or refrigerate and use first.
  • Reviews

  • “Recipe very easy to make.For those without food scale 1/2 lb. of pepper equals 2 cups of sliced and seeded peppers.Can’t wait to eat them on pizza and hamburgers.”

  • “If Your garden includes Banana Peppers of the sweetvariety,this is THE recipe to use.An impeccable brinethat does not mask the original flavor of the pepperyet enhances it.I canned over 30 pints with this recipe.The truth is spoken when said it is easily doubled.No compromise in the flavor or integrity of the brine or pepper in doubling.My friends that I have shared this with, are virtually watching Mygarden, cheering on for more Sweet Bananas to mature so thatI shall use this recipe!! Very,very, good!!”

  • “Excellent recipe, very easy to make and tastes great.”

  • “9/15/09:This was my first time at canning and what a wonderfully easy recipe!I love sweet pickled banana peppers, especially on subs. Can’t wait to try them on pizza, hot dogs, etc.I had just over 1 lb of banana peppers prior to slicing.I doubled the brine recipe.I ended up with #71/2 pint jars.Being a novice at this, i probably did not pack the jars as much as I should have.I will be back with an addendum to this review in a couple of weeks, can’t wait!Thanks Bergy :)Update: 9/30/09Had my first sammie with these peppers and man o man, they were the crowning jewel of the sammie.My sammie was whole wheat sandwich thins, roast beef, baby swiss cheese, tomato, mayo and of course the PEPPERS!Yummy :)”

  • “I tried this recipe for the first time this year and my family loves it.I followed it very closely to the original recipe and have had zero problems with my jars sealing themselves.I actually give these jars of peppers as gifts and have had several requests for more jars! The only thing I changed was to add pickle crisp to each jar, as the stored jars tended to get soggy after a couple months.”

  • “These peppers were wonderful.The first time I made them with a mix of banana peppers, jalapeno and thai peppers (that was what had grown in the garden). My boyfriend would only pick out the jalapeno ones so the second time I made them with just jalapeno peppers and they were delicious.When I am just looking for a little heat I will use only the juice, ie for my guacamole.Nobody can figure out what makees my guac so delicous or replicate my secret ingriedient!My boyfriend puts the jalepenos on everything!”

  • “Last year was my first time canning ever! I had great success with dilll pickles, beets and these peppers.Sorry for the late review.I used a mix of sweet & hot banana peppers cut into thick rings. My result was a great tasting very crisp pepper. Looking forward to making again.Thanks!”

  • “I used this recipe on my first attempt at canning pickled peppers and got rave reviews from my father who eats them on a daily basis. He thought that the flavor was outstanding compared to the commercial brands! Thank you!”

  • “I love this recipe. I have simply refrigerated these pickled peppers without canning them. They last a long time…at least 6 months. I use them in salads and on sandwiches. Such an easy way to add zip. I haven’t added more spicy peppers to the mix but will add them to the mix this weekend.”

  • “I want you to know that I have been using this recipe for three years now.It is the only recipe we use for all of our pickling.I put green tomatoes, onions, green peppers, celery, carrots and a few banana or green peppers in my brine. I tried A LOT of recipes prior to this, but this is great.The first year I made them, we were eating a pint jar a day.I passed the recipe on to momma and daddy and they now exclusively use it.And they have been canning for over 50 years.Thank you so much.Yes, this recipe is that good.”

  • “My family loves these all year round!!!!”

  • “This is a first time for me and peppers. It was great ,thanks bobtail”

  • “I loved this recipe but the peppers I used were just WAY too hot for me! The flavor of the ‘juice’ was wonderful, though, and I’ll be trying for some less hot peppers next year.”

  • “This sounds like a great recipe, however I would recommend at least 10 minutes in a hot water bath to process these jars. It’s not safe to rely on the popping lids to ensure the seal, and that’s only part of the reason we water-bath our canning jars. There are very specific guidelines for temperature within the jars in order to kill all bacteria and ensure your safety.”

  • “I just made this using jalapenos and the brine is delicious. 14 jelly jars sealed without a problem. Will add addendum when I get to taste these yummy treats.We have been eating these over the winter and I have 2 guys who never eat jalapenos begging for them!One even planted peppers this year just to make this recipe!Thank you!We grill a lot of sandwhiches and put these on before grilling.I think they like that some of the heat is turned down by the sugar…not sure…but do know they are DELICIOUS!Thank you!”

  • “Bergy:I made 14 pints of these pickles andthey are excellent with pinto beans, fried potatoes and corn bread. I used a mandoline to slice mine and except for butchering my fingers up (was bleeding like a stuck hog) it was an easy recipe to make.”

  • “Hi, I’m new to this sort of thing, but remember a little of what my mom did when she home canned.I am tring one batch of these peppers, but I found that the recipe makes (2) pints of pickels not (2) 1/2 pints as the recipe says.I measured out 2 cups of pepper rings, like Michele Iles recomended to be about a 1/2 lb.And then did the pickeling juice and it sure filled both of my pint jars.I’ll let them process for the 2 wks that the recipe wants, and then I’ll let ya know what I think of them.The recipe is so easy, It takes me more time to clean the peppers than anything.”

  • “We love these and they make a good pickled pepper!Great on subs and pizzas too!”

  • “These peppers are excellent and easy to make.We found it takes about 20 – 45 minutes for the jars to pop.They are excellent on everything including hamburgers, steak sandwiches, strombolli, subs, pizza, hot dogs.We tried these last year and loved them so we planted more peppers this year so we can have them all winter long.”

  • “I had too many jalapenos at the end of the season, so I looked for an easy canning recipe.I found and used this one, without changing anything.I only made two quart jars, and my mother-in-law actually stole one of the jars when I served them at Thanksgiving last year!The peppers were still hot, but the taste was very unique and wonderful.I plan on using this recipe again this year on all of the different peppers I have grown.Thanks for sharing!”

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    Sweet Pickled Banana Peppers